Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Lovely Grandmaa :)

assalamu 3alikom,

about a week ago i went to visit my grandma who was returning to Kuwait after visiting Egypt. My grandma, or as i call her "Neena", is a veryyyy sweeeet person, the old people are really blessed and their words are full of wisdom.Neena was born in 1920, so you can imagine how wise she is!! :D

I told Neena:" Neena, pray for me, i'm looking for a job", she said:"rabbena ykremik w teb2y ra2eeset gomhooreyyaa" ... lol.. i told her: "la ya Neena ana mesh 3ayza ab2a ra2eeset gomhoreyya :D", she said: "w malo lamma teb2y ra2eeset gamhoreyyaa, a el mane3!!!" :D :D
Then she said: "ya 7elwa, el 5eer salaalem, w 2awwel sellma feeh isAllah hateb2a el sho3'l".. she meant that once i work rabbena hayfta7 3alayya isAllaaah :)

and she also said:"bokra el shams hatetla2 w bokra el zar3 haykbar w bokraa el 5eeer keteeer :)", those words deeply touched my heart :).. she told me that i always have to be optimistic, and that every body has good and bad phases in their life, and we always have to remember the good ones to keep our spirit :)
She said: "baraheem maat, ha3ood az3al wa2ool da baraheem mesh mawgood w aa3eesh 7azeena!!, mana etbasatt ma3aah el 7amdulillaaah, w l7add delwa2ty fakra enno kan bytbeset menny w fakra el ayyaam el gameela w mabsoota al7amdulillaah".. baraheem da is my grandfather, Ibrahim but she calls him baraheem :D, i never had the chance to see him cz he died -ra7matu Allaah 3aleeh- in the 70's.. i was shocked mn kalaam neeena, she till now remembers my grandfather and misses him as if they are newly married :)..

i also found a paper in her bag saying:"ana al7amdulillaah dayman 7assaah enn baraket baraheeem 7awalayyaa b-istemraar, rabbena yer7amuh w y7sen eleeeh".. i was speechless!

when ever we visit Neena, we ask her: "Neena enty mabsootaa??", she says: "tab3an al7amdulillaah, and sings : ahly w a7baby 7awalayya, far7ana bergoo3ak leyya, el yoom gleeby sa3eed, el yoom gleeby sa3eeed"
.. and we say: el yooom gleeby sa3eeed :D..

rabbena yddeeha el se77a ya raabb.. last time i visited her she said:"ana el naharda rabbena zaad fe 3omry 5 seneen 3ashan zortoony"..

Neena dreams of travelling to the moon and planting some tomatos and mint their she says ahamm 7aga enn el wa7ed y5ally feeh 7ayaah 7awaleeh, and she says that if there are alians in the moon, she wants to teach them how to plant those seeds :D.. and she talks seriously btw :)

Neena also wants to finish her study, cz she left school fel ibteda2yyaa, but she says that the problem that her eyes are not that well, and she forgets a lot! but she really wants it!!

i hope i am as half as Neena is in her Very +ve attitude in life, rabbena y5allehalna ya raaab :)
