Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A whole new life..

assalamu 3alikom,

I think that not much people think of daramtically changing their life and to have a whole new life, they fear having the risk, and they dont garuntee the outcomes, so they prefer staying as they are and keep what they think is good for them in hand, 3asfooron fel yadd ya3ny.

Taking such decisions is a very brave step and needs a lot of guts, and strong belief that el 5eer kolloh is b-yadi Allaah sub7anahu wata3ala :)
Starting a whole new life can be about only renewing your intentions, changing your attitude towards things, re-order your priorities and quiting somethings you were or loved or wanted.. i mean it doesnt have to be a daramatic change in your career or the city you live in, etc...

Taking such a decision is sometimes painful, very painful, it's hard for u to expect what might come, what will happen next, and wether these things will satisfy u or have a big value in our hearts or not, yet, we hope and tell Allaaah that we trust him, and we wait and see the good that will come isAllaah.

Patience is a big factor in this whole issue, w mogahdet el nafs, yes there is pain and a lot of fear that can reach horror, but Allaah wants to see how we will react, if we will "nory Allaah mn anfosina 5ayran" or not, and how we will stick to our intentions and keep on putting all our trust in Allaah sub7anahu wata3ala, and natawakkal 3aleeh w nasta3een beeh sub7anahu wata3ala :)

rabbena ysabbarna gamee3an 3ind al balaa2, w yhawwen 3aleenaaa, w yo2nesnaa beeeh.. w yg3alna mn el mottaqeeeen fel serr wal 3alaan

Allahumma ameen


  1. Every thing is in ALLAH's hand, el mohem making such dicisions ykoon men 3'eer tasaro3 we bshe2 men el tafakor

    Rabena yewaaf2ek we yag3al fe 7'atawatek el baraka wel tawfeeq

  2. ameen ya rabb, thnx ya Dr for 7adritax comment :)

    I believe enn el wa7ed ahamm 7aga in such decisions enno yg3al rabbena amaam 3aynayh, w yttaqy Allaah, w ya5od el decisions de based 3ala enn hammo reda rabbena sub7anahu wata3ala..lw 7atta el bani2adam fashal, byb2a rady geddaan l2anno merta7 enno 2asad wagh Allaah ta3ala, w de ahamm 7aga

    wel wa7ed bygtahed fel tafakor as 7adritak said w byseeb el future da fe 2eed rabbena w howwa el 7akeeem w qada2oo is always the best ever..

    rabbena yg3alna mn el mottaqeen ya rabb
