Dear Zainab,
Yesterday i was holding a paper and pen and I was thinking: yaah, for a long time i didn't have that feeling that Allaah is "bykremny", the deep gratitude that Allaah has done very special thing specially for me and only me, the feeling that i say "yaaaaaaaaaah" and feel deeply blessed and rush to make sajdet shukr.. i was thinking of this and missing this feeling a lot.. i wrote down: "I miss Al..." and was about to write "i miss Allaah", i paused for a second and thought: No Allaah is always there for me, Allaah is there, it's not that i miss Allaah, it's that i miss Karam Allaaah, i miss "Al Kareem", and that how i wrote it "i miss Al Kareem".. and sighed: ya rabb ekremny :)
4 hours later, i went to the Qur2an lesson with a dear friend from work, in the class i have a teacher that i don't like her way of teaching much, but i used to say: no problem, i'll bare that for the sake of Allaah, anyway, all i want is to learn!.
Now, back to the point, when i went to the lesson the teacher told us (my fiend and me) you have been moved to another class, we said ok and went.
I can't tell you how great the other teacher is, she is really awesome, she "knows" what she says, i really felt a student with her although she looks young.. i was so happy to join her class.. al7amdulillaaah :)
Then in the lecture, the lecturer was talking about the intentions, that they should be purely for Allaah when attending the Qur2an lessons, she mentioned that she was once revising Qur2an (masha2Allaah she memorizes it all) and reciting Qur2aan with a teacher who memorizes only 5 chapters of Qur2an, and she was feeling bad about it, how can someone memorizing the whole qur2an have a teacher memorzing only 5 chapters!, she mentioned that to her Shaikh -Sh. Mahmoud Al Tablawy- and he said: لو اخلصتي النية لله لجعلها الله لك جبريلا يُقرؤك القرآن... she commented and said:that was true, be sure that if your intention is scincere for the sake of Allaah, he will bless you and teach you. At that moment i remembered when you told me: "واتقوا الله ويعلمكم الله".
And that's how my teacher changed :), Allaah did bless me al7amdulillaa :), i'm very pleased about it and feel blessed, i felt this is "Karam" from Allaah "Alkareem" whom i asked for his karam earlier that day.. indeed: إن ربي لسميع الدعاء :)
You know, everytime i go to the lesson i remember you, i pray for you, and wish you share me thawaab, you encourged me, i always remember your words.. I love you :)
Al7amduluillaah :)
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