Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"The Good News"

assalamu 3alikom...

I've recieved an email message today with this title, i liked it, so i thought of sharing :)

Dear Noha,

I'm writing today to check in with you and to ask you to check in with yourself. How have you been feeling lately? Are you feeling good? Are you happy? Or (like so many people), are you living in fear and worried about your future? There's no need to sugar coat it; we are living in an interesting time ... a time of immense uncertainty for many people.

Several years ago I made a decision to stop watching the news and to not read the newspaper. I just refused to fill my brain with a lot of negativity. Honestly, I watch about 10 minutes of news a week just to get a feel for what's being put out there. And unless I just happen to tune in during the 10 minutes of 'bad news' being broadcast, I am guessing a constant barrage of negativity is coming out of that television.

I know you know the importance of filling your mind with positive information. The more you focus on what is good, the more good you will have in your life.

Remember, it is your choice how you feel. You can choose to be happy and abundant. You can also choose to be in fear and pessimistic. The truth is that it is easy to get sucked into the collective negativity of today's world -- so it is imperative to fill your cup with as much good stuff as possible!

I am honored to support you in any way I can. As always, I am committed to your happiness.


It is true that the message is an auto generated message, sent to me by "Rich German" to all those who subscribed in his website.. but i felt some thing when reading it, i also remembered "The Closet Theory ", Dad's theory, that i may talk about later :)

yes, this man talks right, how we feel is our choice..

Choose to be happy :)

1 comment:

  1. :D

    The same decision that i took long time ago E7L. // No news is good news :)
