Friday, March 27, 2009

و اشكروا لله

Assalamu 3alikom

Have u ever thought of the word "Shokran"(شكراً) why is it "mansoobah"?? - if u know arabic grammer u will know what i mean :D-

let me tell u what i think, regardless if this was correct or wrong..

Allah sub7anahu wata3ala said in the
Qur2aan: "اعْمَلُوا آلَ دَاوُودَ شُكْرًا".. that "shokr is an action u do, a deed, unlike "al7amd" that is just something u say showing that u are greatful to Allaah.. after we eat for example, we say a7lamdulillaah, there is no action that we take

Also Allah said:"و اشكروا لله".. lillaah, not "oshkoro Allah" ( ya3ny fi3l didecated lillaah).. make a deed with the intention that this 3amal is shokr lillaah..

back to the first point, the word "Shokran": why is is mansooba?? I dont know a percise answer to be honest. but here is what i concluded :D :
shokran is "maf3ool li2ajlih".. let's say: a3taytuka al maa2a shokran (i gave u the water thanking).. so i made this action because i wanted to thank u.. so this lead us that, it is not "gramatically" correct, that someone makes u a favour and u reply saying: "Shokran".. howwa a elly shokraan.. feen el "maf3ool" li2ajl el shokr ?!!!
So it is more "gramatically" correct that when someone makes u a favour, u show up after few days, carrying flowers for example, and hand him saying: "Shokran".. so you will be saying implicitly: "I'm giving u the flowers "Shokran" for the favour u made for me :) :) "

The hadith of sayyedna Muhammad salla Allahu 3alihi wasallam: (( وَمَنْ صَنَعَ إِليكم معروفا فكافئوه . فإن لم تجدوا ما تكافئوه فادْعُوا له )).. i believe somehow assures the meaning that thanking is something to be done..
Hatha wallaahi a3laam :D

P.S: lw tele3 e3raab kelmet "Shokraan" 7aga tanya.. hab2a baftyy w el post maloosh lazmaa :D.. bas yakfeeny haraf el mo7awlaa :huh .. :P :P

Thursday, March 19, 2009

بلى.. و لكن ليطمئن قلبي

assalamu 3alikom,

I was at work, a friend of mine is going to get married soon isAllaah and we were talking about life after marrige.. the conversation led us talking about being grandmothers and having grandchildren.. the girl said: "ana mazonnish enno hayb2a 3andy a7faad.. l2anny 3'alibaan mesh haykoon ma3aya floos agawwez welady :D :D".. and this was supposed to be a joke!

......and here i started :D....

I told her, never ever say this... never assume that u will be in a bad state, w have to know that Allaah is great, Allaah has EVERY thing in hand, "وَإِن مِّن شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ عِندَنَا خَزَائِنُهُ وَمَا نُنَزِّلُهُ إِلاَّ بِقَدَرٍ مَّعْلُومٍ".. ya3ny el 7aga already mawgooda 3and rabbena sub7anahu wata3alaa.. what ever it is, se77aa, awlad, nagaa7, mawadda, salaa7, reda, yaqeen, 7obb, 3arabeyaat, floos, shagaar, ba7r, safar, hiking, diving,... ayy 7agaaaaa is already there, el fekra bas enn rabbena nazzel menha "biqadarin ma3loom".. so ask Allaah from what he has "fooo2" 3ando mesh from el "qadr" el so3'ayyaar elly "ta7t" 3andena!!

Allaah sub7anahu wata3ala is qader.. do u know ya3ny a qader!! la2 mesh qader bas, da rabbena qadeeeer.. he can do anything, ANYTHING, can u imagine what can anything be!! what ever comes to your mind, Allaah CAN DO IT! sub7anahu wata3ala..

w 3azamet qodret Allaah sub7anahu wata3alaa is actually in being able to do the unexpected, to give u more that u could imagine, to bless u in a way that u coud never think of!

This is yaqeen what we are talking here about.. the deeeeeeeeeeep feeeling that is there deep inside the heart that Allaah is there, that he hears u all the time, enny koll makallemo bysma3ny, mesh lamma bad3y, la2 lamma batkallem, and Allaah can give me anything 3ashan ba7ebbo w howwa by7ebbenyy.. we dont question the how at all...

Having yaqeen means that u know that Allaah "will" do it, no "how".. look at sayyedna Ibrahim 3alihi al salaam, when he asked Allaah:"أَرِنِي كَيْفَ تُحْيِي الْمَوْتَى".. the answer was: "أَوَلَمْ تُؤْمِن!".. what does this answer tell us!!.. if we have this deep feeeling of Imaan, we wont ask about the "how", the how is beyond our calculations, it's something 3azeeem yaleeq b-3azamet Allaah sub7anahu wata3alaa "wa7dah"..

When sayyedna Ibrahim replied" بَلَى وَلَكِن لِّيَطْمَئِنَّ قَلْبِي ".. Allaah didnt answer bardo, sub7anahu wata3alaa.. he made him do a great effort, ydba7 w y2atta3 w ytla3 w ynzel w ywazza3.. where is the answer here?! none!... w bardo rabbena a7yaa el toyoor without showing him how he sub7anahu did it, he just showed him "يَأْتِينَكَ سَعْيًا"

Allaah made him realize that if u question the how, hatet3ab, that' why we all are as we are: ta3baneen!.. it's like a message for us to get busy with the asbaab only, get busy with the "what" and leave the "how" for the Allaah with the greatest trust that Allaah "can" and "will" do it, it' a great relief that i can never discribe :).. 7aga foo2 el wasf, e7saas aktaar mn wow :) :)

It is a great bless that we have a god who is "qadeer", bgd it is a great bless, just imagine that life is life, and what happen in life is only the logical flow of things that we assume, and that u know that ur god can "not" do things except as expected!! will u trust him!!, will u ask him or make du3aa2 in the first place!!!.. sub7ana Allaah wata3ala 3olowwan kabeera..

Dear Allaah, thank you for being you, thank you for being our god, thank you for being qadeer not only qader, thank u for making us realize that, and thank u for making us thank u for it :) :)
fe3lan, wama qadaro Allaha 7aqqa qadrih!

I jut remembered now my grand mother, whenever she wants anything from Allaah, she get a paper and a pen and she writes down what she wants starting with : يا ربي يا ربي يا... سامع الدُعا و دُعايا, أنا بطلب من الله ولا يكتر على الله....then she writes what she wants :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"The Good News"

assalamu 3alikom...

I've recieved an email message today with this title, i liked it, so i thought of sharing :)

Dear Noha,

I'm writing today to check in with you and to ask you to check in with yourself. How have you been feeling lately? Are you feeling good? Are you happy? Or (like so many people), are you living in fear and worried about your future? There's no need to sugar coat it; we are living in an interesting time ... a time of immense uncertainty for many people.

Several years ago I made a decision to stop watching the news and to not read the newspaper. I just refused to fill my brain with a lot of negativity. Honestly, I watch about 10 minutes of news a week just to get a feel for what's being put out there. And unless I just happen to tune in during the 10 minutes of 'bad news' being broadcast, I am guessing a constant barrage of negativity is coming out of that television.

I know you know the importance of filling your mind with positive information. The more you focus on what is good, the more good you will have in your life.

Remember, it is your choice how you feel. You can choose to be happy and abundant. You can also choose to be in fear and pessimistic. The truth is that it is easy to get sucked into the collective negativity of today's world -- so it is imperative to fill your cup with as much good stuff as possible!

I am honored to support you in any way I can. As always, I am committed to your happiness.


It is true that the message is an auto generated message, sent to me by "Rich German" to all those who subscribed in his website.. but i felt some thing when reading it, i also remembered "The Closet Theory ", Dad's theory, that i may talk about later :)

yes, this man talks right, how we feel is our choice..

Choose to be happy :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's been 2 weeks!!

assalamu 3alikom,

Dear Zainab,
How are you now?? :) I've been praying for you a lot since you left :'), 2 weeks!! do you believe it!!.. I wonder what are you doing now??I pray that you are not lonely :').. maybe no much ppl are out there.. but i pray that u are having "2ons billaah" :') and your grave is part from al jannaah yaa raaab

Zeezi.. i miss u sooo much :'(.. every time i feel like calling you i remember that you wont pick up .. but i really wanna talk to u :'(

Zeezi, i know u always wanted to know about me, i'm fine ya 7abeeeba :'), it's just that i miss you :'(.. and i remember you a lot...
I wish I can remember every single detail, and every single word, but i just cant :'(.. i remember things from time to time..  i wish that i've recorded every second with you.

Zeezi, I learnt alot from your death.. you can say that i have changed.. or -to be more accurate- woke up... i realize things differently, i now understand things that you used to tell me more clearly..
i'm focusing more on what i have in hand now, i can see the bless ya zeezi, ana rabbenaa ma3ayaa 3ala tool, w mesh bysebny abadan,.. i see it ya 7abibty and i feel it all the time.. rabbena byar3any even when i dont ask him for it :').. al7amdulillaaah :')..
my heart changed ya zeezi, it's not like b4, this was even b4 u died, but it increased, and the meanings i had in things changed too :').. al7amdulillaaah, i feel more free and happy :')..

I wish you were here to tell you as i always used to do :'(.. al7amdulillaah, i cant be that selfish, i know that u have a better company isAllaaah :')

Zeezi, today in the cab, the radio was on, it was that cancer hospital campaign, 57357, i couldnt hear it ya zeezi, i just cried... i hate cancer, i really wish that no one else ever suffers from it.. Allahumma 3afina wa3fu 3annaa yaa raaab.. i know u suffered a lot... may Allaah bless u now and reward you for the great patience you had :')

Zeezi, I call Magdy from time to time, he misses u a lot ya zeezi, really a lot, and he is trying to do his best not to make your kids feel lonely... may Allah be with him.. pray for him.. rabbena ysabbaro :'(
I'll try to be there for your kids from time to time..isAllaah i'll do my best..

He said to me: "eftekry kalamha leeki ya Noha, ana mesh ha2ollik ennaha kanet bet7ebbik, l2annik konty belnesbalha 7aga tanya, enty mesh 3arfa kanet bet7ebbik ezzaay w konty bel nesbalha a!! Allaaah yer7amha, w y3ezz 3alayya enny 2a2ool Allaah yr7amha :(.. bas al7amdulillaah 3ala koll shee2".. I just wanted to tell you the same about u :')

Rabbena ya3fu 3annik ya zeezi w yg3alik fee a3laa 3elleyyeen, w yg3alik fel ferdaws el a3laa, w y7a22alik elly kan nefsik feeh :')...

Whenever i miss you, i dont know what to do, but one thing i'm sure of that i pray for you :'), i know u need prayers, and you always asked me for them...
you know ya zeezi!!, every time in sujood i say: yaa raab eshfy Mrs. Zainab..!!... then i remember :| .. and i correct it asking Allaah to reward you with Jannaaah.. It's just not that simple to get used to the fact of ur death.. but I manage wal7amdulillaaah.

I miss you LOADs.. and please, if u can, pray for me

Rabbena y7ebbik ya zeezi :')
2anti 7abeeba 7abeeba, wa min qalby qareebah :') .. love you :')