Assalamu 3alikom
Have u ever thought of the word "Shokran"(شكراً) why is it "mansoobah"?? - if u know arabic grammer u will know what i mean :D-
let me tell u what i think, regardless if this was correct or wrong..
Allah sub7anahu wata3ala said in the
Qur2aan: "اعْمَلُوا آلَ دَاوُودَ شُكْرًا".. that "shokr is an action u do, a deed, unlike "al7amd" that is just something u say showing that u are greatful to Allaah.. after we eat for example, we say a7lamdulillaah, there is no action that we takeAlso Allah said:"و اشكروا لله".. lillaah, not "oshkoro Allah" ( ya3ny fi3l didecated lillaah).. make a deed with the intention that this 3amal is shokr lillaah..
back to the first point, the word "Shokran": why is is mansooba?? I dont know a percise answer to be honest. but here is what i concluded :D :
shokran is "maf3ool li2ajlih".. let's say: a3taytuka al maa2a shokran (i gave u the water thanking).. so i made this action because i wanted to thank u.. so this lead us that, it is not "gramatically" correct, that someone makes u a favour and u reply saying: "Shokran".. howwa a elly shokraan.. feen el "maf3ool" li2ajl el shokr ?!!!
So it is more "gramatically" correct that when someone makes u a favour, u show up after few days, carrying flowers for example, and hand him saying: "Shokran".. so you will be saying implicitly: "I'm giving u the flowers "Shokran" for the favour u made for me :) :) "
The hadith of sayyedna Muhammad salla Allahu 3alihi wasallam: (( وَمَنْ صَنَعَ إِليكم معروفا فكافئوه . فإن لم تجدوا ما تكافئوه فادْعُوا له )).. i believe somehow assures the meaning that thanking is something to be done..
Hatha wallaahi a3laam :D
P.S: lw tele3 e3raab kelmet "Shokraan" 7aga tanya.. hab2a baftyy w el post maloosh lazmaa :D.. bas yakfeeny haraf el mo7awlaa :huh .. :P :P