Monday, September 15, 2008

Walk to that door!

assalamu 3alikom

as we are now almost in "Al 3ash al awa5er" of Ramadan, i thought of sharing this with u, a nice meaning i learnt from brother Ahmad in one of the Green Muslims sessions, rabbena y3ezzo ya rabb..

let's assume now that we are sittng in a room, and there is a closed door.. and i tell u: "walk to that door", then what will u do??

imagine ur self, see it, and see what will u do!

u will most probably get up, walk to the door, then walk back to me saying: "i did!"..

actually u didnt!.. cz there is a Q, y did i ask u to walk to that door in the first place!!!, didnt u think of that!.. i wanted u to walk to the door, open it, and take a treasure that is behind the door.. and all u did was that u did an effort, it could be a big one, but in vain!

The same exactly applies on worshipping Allaah.. Allaah tells us to pray, and we "perform" prayer 5 times daily, but we just dont think of the treasure behind the prayer, the great Thawab that we can get if we just brought up some intentions.. we perform actions, do effort, and finish the prayer without any 5oshoo3, we just walk to the door and gome back withou even trying to open it!
Same applies for reading Qur2aan - no 5oshoo3, tadabbor, 3ezaa and tafakkor, nthn- and for Fasting -Allah says : fahuwa lee wa2ana ajzy bih- we walk to the door and we dont think of the reason why Allaah - sub7anahu wata3aala- tld us to do it, and Ramadan is just over and the benefit we got is a big Zero!

b4 the "al 3ashr al wa5aer" think of the doors that u can walk to, think y will u walk to them, think of the treasure behind them, and open them and get the treasue.. be a winner - 2ola2ika hom al fa2izooon-...

just a little thing: the beauty of Islam also appears in that the treasure u will get is what u thought u will get.. u can give some one a glass of water and take only one 7asanaa, or give him the same glass and take millions of 7asanaat, depending of the "neyyaat" u had when handing him the glass..

Happy Last days of Ramadan :)


  1. That's a very good post Noha and it's a new way to look at what we do in our 3ebadat.
    I agree with every word you said. Gazaky Allah 7a'yarn you and your brother Ahmad.

  2. semsem :), wa7ashteeny ya bentyy
    soo gld that u here again in my blog, w betnawwareeny 3alatooool :)
    Jazana wa eyyaakom ya raab

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thanx ya nehnih for this post,
    I liked the DOOR concept so much that we must before doing anything think of why we are doing it and always have "neyya" to get the treasure isA.
