assalamu 3alikom..
I'm just going on telling u stuff that i feel that Allaah is tellig me: "I'm here, next to you.. dont worry"..
Now,i'm in UAE, alone with my father, and i'm seeking a job, applied almost every where online, but no one replied..
i'm here alone.. my father is with me yes, but i didnt contact any of my friends, didnt talk to them, not seeing anyone, not going anywhere except for the hospital and related places... i dont watch TV at ALL, i dont talk on phone, nthn...... just me, dad and the house work..
Al7amdulillaaah, i'm not complaining at all, i'm just giving u a picture in order to let u see what i'll say as i saw it..
Then one day, i was in the car with dady, then i thought like: "y dont i pray that i work here!", cz i only say ya rabb lw feeh 5eer, and i pray isti5ara for working here... but i never said: "ya rabb ashta3'al henaa".. i wondered y!.. maybe i just want to be satisfied, so i'm not asking Allaah for a particular thing, and that way i'm totally leaving it for the isti5ara result and Allaah's well..
but that day i thought, i will say it as: ya rabb ashta3'al hena, ya rabb 2ala2y sho3'l hena.. and i thought that this doesnot contradict with my belief that Allaah will do me the best wether in Egypt or UAE..
The next day, i recieved a phone call on my mobile. Usually the numbers that call me here are from egypt, but this one was from UAE.. and i didnt give any of my UAE friends my number, i didnt tell them i'm here till now.. even when i apply online for a job, i write my dad's number not mine... i was wondering who could this be!
It was Rabab, a friend of mine from the clg, the same department of mine too, she came to UAE, her family is here, and she is looking for a job too!.. i never ever expevted such a call at all!!
Rabab spoke about working together, she mentioned that her sister can contact some ppl and look for a job for both of us not only her, we agreed on meeting soon and hoped we get the chance to work to gether...
I cant tell u how happy i was with that phone call..
1) a friend is there!! a nice one too.. sm1 i can talk to and say rubbish :P, away of my daily activities i do here.
2) Rabab lives two blocks away from mine!
3) Allaah sent me Rabab to tell me: I'm here, u r not alone, i feel u and i sent u some one to make u smile :)... Noha, i know u searched for a job a lot, i know that u want to work here, and u did all what u can do, leave it to me, i can get u a job in another way, a way that u never thought of!! Rabab's sister!.. ya Allaaaah, i really never expected that.. i thought of it the traditional way, i apply online and one of the companies reply to me and here i go!.. sub7ana Allaaah
u know, no matter how this will end like, whether Rabab's sister finds me a job or not, whether i stay here or go back to Egypt, i'm really satisfied, pleased with Allaah and love him soooo much..
I loved the way he told me: i'm here ya Noha, dont worry like that!... i really felt that he - sub7anahu wata3ala- "by-tabtab 3alayyaa" and his "tabtaba" is full of love, compassion, mercy and tenderness..
I had the same feeling i told u about, i felt so happy, wanted to kiss the ground and hug anything around.. i made sujood shokr and thanked Allaah for making me feel that i'm not alone!
and as i told dad, even if i didnt have a job here, it's very enough for me that Allah makes me feel that i'm never alone, and will let me leave, if i left, will all the satisfaction that i may ever want..
al7amdulillaaaahi rabbel 3alameeen