assalamu 3alikom,
i was late in sending this second post due to a bigger depression. and same feeling of :"2al 3ayzaan nsalla7 2al, mafeeesh faydaaa!!"... and that was because what happend to those in the SC department... rabbena yonsorhom ya rabb.
now i'm back again, and decided to keep what i wanted to do in the first place, that we should really make the difference. and we started like this:
i'm in the CSys department, more than half of the students there were forced to join it, and we have to do something about that.
applying the "inside outside" principle, and "being proactive" as i said before, we decided to make our department the best department.... it will be the best due to those who are in there.. me and my colleagues : Heba, Heba , Waleed and Reda.
we decided to help those who dont like the dept to like it, help them understand what they cant get.. assist them in solving problems and exams.... and this will be a result of the small "study group" that we will start from next week isAllah ( me and the 4 i mentioned above), where we will explain things to each other, exchange our notes that we took in the lectures, gather all the questions that we have and make sure that five of us are capable of explaining things to others... tab3an this process is more organised with more details between us.
the best part i like is wat heba 3sam said :"i want those who hated joining this department to say:"i was wrong when i was sad, this is the best thing for me" "....
all wat i ask u for is ur prayers that Allah helps us and keep our intentions good for him and only him...
P.S: isAllah i'll make the T.M.D event :) .... i cant let go my dreams that simply.. walla a!!!!
إن القيمة الحقيقة للحياة تكمن في دورنا فيها وهذا الدور يستحق العناء لأننا صُنّاعه.... اللهم اجعل أعمالنا كلها صالحة، واجعلها لوجهك خالصة، ولا تجعل لأحد فيها شيئاً
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
what's Going on!
assalamu 3alikom,
If u r in FCIS, u definitely feel the horrible atmosphere that is there... every one is sad, depressed, broken or not satisfied.
we were welcomed in the first week by couple of unfair events that made every one just feeling bad... ppl feel so bad for the departments that they joined bel3afya, they feel like dead.. almost every body has a problem in the graduation project or the graduation team... every body feels injustice
As an ACMer there are things that i Have to do, like mentoring and some events such as the TMD.
Well, i feel weak, i feel that i hate this college, how would i ever talk to the new class and tell them to love it while i feel deep nofooor for every one in the college staff (drs), and every place in the college... i just feel "nafsy ta3afuh".
How can i make a difference a place where every one is feeling injustice and feeling miserable. who would listen!!... who am i fooling!!! 2al TMD 2al
I thought that i may have a chance of being a TA in CSys and that it would be a good chance to "give"... now i feel "who cares!!", meen ygeelo nefs y2addem 7aga fel kolleyya de.
she3arat she3arat, w mabade2 w mabade2, w fel a5er we are as roaa said seeking water in the desert.
but u know what!!!, rabbena 7akeeem, and fair, and it's not that bad, i have to think where is el 5eer in all wat is happening, cz ana 3andy yaqeeen shedeed fellah sub7anahu wata3ala.. and i know that Allah is Always there.
Allah wants to see what are we gonna do to fix this situation or to even look at the bright side.... and i thought of "being proactive", and thought of the "inside outside" principle...
in the next post isAllah, i'll tell u wat i decided to do, and hope u help if u can, we now need to make it better more that any time b4... we cant just give up and let go every thing cz we are desperate... we have to change that fact.
If u r in FCIS, u definitely feel the horrible atmosphere that is there... every one is sad, depressed, broken or not satisfied.
we were welcomed in the first week by couple of unfair events that made every one just feeling bad... ppl feel so bad for the departments that they joined bel3afya, they feel like dead.. almost every body has a problem in the graduation project or the graduation team... every body feels injustice
As an ACMer there are things that i Have to do, like mentoring and some events such as the TMD.
Well, i feel weak, i feel that i hate this college, how would i ever talk to the new class and tell them to love it while i feel deep nofooor for every one in the college staff (drs), and every place in the college... i just feel "nafsy ta3afuh".
How can i make a difference a place where every one is feeling injustice and feeling miserable. who would listen!!... who am i fooling!!! 2al TMD 2al
I thought that i may have a chance of being a TA in CSys and that it would be a good chance to "give"... now i feel "who cares!!", meen ygeelo nefs y2addem 7aga fel kolleyya de.
she3arat she3arat, w mabade2 w mabade2, w fel a5er we are as roaa said seeking water in the desert.
but u know what!!!, rabbena 7akeeem, and fair, and it's not that bad, i have to think where is el 5eer in all wat is happening, cz ana 3andy yaqeeen shedeed fellah sub7anahu wata3ala.. and i know that Allah is Always there.
Allah wants to see what are we gonna do to fix this situation or to even look at the bright side.... and i thought of "being proactive", and thought of the "inside outside" principle...
in the next post isAllah, i'll tell u wat i decided to do, and hope u help if u can, we now need to make it better more that any time b4... we cant just give up and let go every thing cz we are desperate... we have to change that fact.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
advise me, i CAN'T advise myself
assalamu 3alikom,
well, now i'm confused which department i should join in our college. and i really dont know... mmmmmm, i should decide soon whether it's Computer Science or Computer Systems.
what do i think of Csys??
1) i started thinking about it due to the graduation project, and started praying isti5ara.... then i was convinced that there is no relation between them- project and department- , but i donno y it just entered my mind and not getting off!!!
2) i feel that i will learn about "Technology" in Csys, and that's smth that i want to know about.... But, i donno if i will make it in CSys. it's somewhat like engineering and i donno if i will succeed in such a study :S
3) i believe that the good Drs and small number of students is a great factor fel mawdoo3, bezzat that i like the drs, they are really good masha2Allah and ready to do anything for us. // except for one: DR. S. S.
4) there are ppl who were forced to join the department and can never adapt, it's like hell for them... in the other hand, i can adapt, i do.... so i thought of giving other ppl a chance, i can't be greedy.
5) i dont want my career to be "DEVELOPER" and only developer... i have other dreams, and i believe that joining CSys gives me more options.
6) there is a probability that i'll be a T.A if i join CSys. of course our college is not "amalaa" to be a T.A feeha, but this will be a very good advantage in my CV if i will change my career.
Now, what do i think about CS???
1) i Love programming, i love the .NET framework... it's like a nightmare that i will not do programming in CSys.
2) i want that i'll gain much skills in CS, learn more stuff and so.... keda keda i will work in this career even for a short while b4 i change it!
3) subjects are familiar, we already know smth about every thing, so it wont be that bad as CSys... but i hate to "STUDY" science for science... i prefer it as general knowledge.
4) All most all the students in CS are really good, the atmosphere will be challenging and encouraging to work and so... un like CSys... 3/4 of the students are not even "pass".
5) there is a T.A who will give one of the courses, and i do HATE that man, i donno how can i ever attend any of his sections.... aslo nazel fe kolloo :S
6) i dont need to go in depth awy in CS due to the view that i have for my career - i mean changing it w keda-, so, why to bother in CS.
well, i'm really confused, and donno what to do. Feeling that i'm in a moral situation and i have to let go CS for others makes my brain unable to think.
i attended lectures in both and yet i cant decide. in CS i feel that there is smth in me refusing to hear the lecturer although i may understand.
and smth in me makes me listen so carefully in CSys although i really dont get some stuff.
ya rabbb, "rabby 5ir le wa5tarly".. "Allahumma dabberly fa2enny la o7seno attadbeer"
sry guys for this desperate post, but do u have any suggestions??!!
well, now i'm confused which department i should join in our college. and i really dont know... mmmmmm, i should decide soon whether it's Computer Science or Computer Systems.
what do i think of Csys??
1) i started thinking about it due to the graduation project, and started praying isti5ara.... then i was convinced that there is no relation between them- project and department- , but i donno y it just entered my mind and not getting off!!!
2) i feel that i will learn about "Technology" in Csys, and that's smth that i want to know about.... But, i donno if i will make it in CSys. it's somewhat like engineering and i donno if i will succeed in such a study :S
3) i believe that the good Drs and small number of students is a great factor fel mawdoo3, bezzat that i like the drs, they are really good masha2Allah and ready to do anything for us. // except for one: DR. S. S.
4) there are ppl who were forced to join the department and can never adapt, it's like hell for them... in the other hand, i can adapt, i do.... so i thought of giving other ppl a chance, i can't be greedy.
5) i dont want my career to be "DEVELOPER" and only developer... i have other dreams, and i believe that joining CSys gives me more options.
6) there is a probability that i'll be a T.A if i join CSys. of course our college is not "amalaa" to be a T.A feeha, but this will be a very good advantage in my CV if i will change my career.
Now, what do i think about CS???
1) i Love programming, i love the .NET framework... it's like a nightmare that i will not do programming in CSys.
2) i want that i'll gain much skills in CS, learn more stuff and so.... keda keda i will work in this career even for a short while b4 i change it!
3) subjects are familiar, we already know smth about every thing, so it wont be that bad as CSys... but i hate to "STUDY" science for science... i prefer it as general knowledge.
4) All most all the students in CS are really good, the atmosphere will be challenging and encouraging to work and so... un like CSys... 3/4 of the students are not even "pass".
5) there is a T.A who will give one of the courses, and i do HATE that man, i donno how can i ever attend any of his sections.... aslo nazel fe kolloo :S
6) i dont need to go in depth awy in CS due to the view that i have for my career - i mean changing it w keda-, so, why to bother in CS.
well, i'm really confused, and donno what to do. Feeling that i'm in a moral situation and i have to let go CS for others makes my brain unable to think.
i attended lectures in both and yet i cant decide. in CS i feel that there is smth in me refusing to hear the lecturer although i may understand.
and smth in me makes me listen so carefully in CSys although i really dont get some stuff.
ya rabbb, "rabby 5ir le wa5tarly".. "Allahumma dabberly fa2enny la o7seno attadbeer"
sry guys for this desperate post, but do u have any suggestions??!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Every thing (and / v.s) Nothing
assalamu 3alikom,
When there is a relationship between Every thing and Nothing, How do u think it could be!!!
Well, i'll tell u what i think.
Every thing is "EVERY thing", gives Nothing any thing it wants; Because ,poor Nothing, is "NOTHING", cant do anything to himself, has no control on anything and lacks every thing.
So, "Nothing" has no options but asking "Every thing" for anything he wants, well, because every thing is "Every thing", he gives and never stops, and no matter how much "Every thing" gives "Nothing", "Every thing" is never the less, and "Nothing" is never anything else but NOTHING.
How does "Nothing" makes that better, how could he change that fact of being "Nothing" ???.
the answer is simply he can never EVER change that fact, specially that "Every thing" it there and already EVERY THING. and "Nothing" has to understand that fact and ever think that he could be "Something" by any how... because there no such a creature called "Something", and it is against "No thing's" nature to just convert to be "Something", it's not even Logic!!!!
But there is something that "Nothing" can do, which is, instead of being something, is Doing something, making any effect in one remembers any "NOTHING", but they will remember him if that "Nothing" Left "Something" in this world, changed "Something" in other "No thing's" life... Made "something" that pleased "EVERY thing" and "Everything" rewarded him in return... ohhh, and u can imagine how "EVERY thing" rewards!!!!! no matter how small the Reward is, it is still HUGE relative to "Nothing" !
((Noticed that All the words in green are verbs, i.e. ACTIONS ??!!!!!))
So, Don't u see it silly and insane if "Nothing" comes and challenges "EVERY THING"!!, ohhh, that's really insane... "Nothing " forgot who he is, and thought that DOING "something" made him every thing.... but the fact is : No.... Nothing was born Nothing and will die Nothing.
so, For All the "Nothings" that are reading this now.... remember this fact, and focus on leaving "Something" that pleases "EVERY thing"... and never hesitate of asking "Every thing" for anything, cz no matter how much "Every thing" gives, it will never change the fact of him being "EVERY thing" and "Nothing" being actually NOTHING!!!
the good news is that "Every things" LOVES "Nothing" although his mean being...... this may sound really strange, i mean, why would "EVERY thing" love "Nothing"!!!.... but this is "No thing's" luck.
also wanted to say that as "EVERY thing" can give anything... it can also TAKE "Nothing" Really needs to RECONSIDER .
When there is a relationship between Every thing and Nothing, How do u think it could be!!!
Well, i'll tell u what i think.
Every thing is "EVERY thing", gives Nothing any thing it wants; Because ,poor Nothing, is "NOTHING", cant do anything to himself, has no control on anything and lacks every thing.
So, "Nothing" has no options but asking "Every thing" for anything he wants, well, because every thing is "Every thing", he gives and never stops, and no matter how much "Every thing" gives "Nothing", "Every thing" is never the less, and "Nothing" is never anything else but NOTHING.
How does "Nothing" makes that better, how could he change that fact of being "Nothing" ???.
the answer is simply he can never EVER change that fact, specially that "Every thing" it there and already EVERY THING. and "Nothing" has to understand that fact and ever think that he could be "Something" by any how... because there no such a creature called "Something", and it is against "No thing's" nature to just convert to be "Something", it's not even Logic!!!!
But there is something that "Nothing" can do, which is, instead of being something, is Doing something, making any effect in one remembers any "NOTHING", but they will remember him if that "Nothing" Left "Something" in this world, changed "Something" in other "No thing's" life... Made "something" that pleased "EVERY thing" and "Everything" rewarded him in return... ohhh, and u can imagine how "EVERY thing" rewards!!!!! no matter how small the Reward is, it is still HUGE relative to "Nothing" !
((Noticed that All the words in green are verbs, i.e. ACTIONS ??!!!!!))
So, Don't u see it silly and insane if "Nothing" comes and challenges "EVERY THING"!!, ohhh, that's really insane... "Nothing " forgot who he is, and thought that DOING "something" made him every thing.... but the fact is : No.... Nothing was born Nothing and will die Nothing.
so, For All the "Nothings" that are reading this now.... remember this fact, and focus on leaving "Something" that pleases "EVERY thing"... and never hesitate of asking "Every thing" for anything, cz no matter how much "Every thing" gives, it will never change the fact of him being "EVERY thing" and "Nothing" being actually NOTHING!!!
the good news is that "Every things" LOVES "Nothing" although his mean being...... this may sound really strange, i mean, why would "EVERY thing" love "Nothing"!!!.... but this is "No thing's" luck.
also wanted to say that as "EVERY thing" can give anything... it can also TAKE "Nothing" Really needs to RECONSIDER .
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Mhanna's Meeting
assalamu 3alikom
Today we met Hussein Mhanna, he is an FCISian, 2003 class, and the second president of the ACM-ASCIS.
This meeting is one of the best meetings that i've ever attended. He spoke to us as the new ACM steering committee, telling us advices and so.
i liked the ideas that he spoke about so much, loved especially the idea of having mentors in our college, that was something really. i actually discovered that my problem in my college that i needed a mentor, an advisor. i think this idea will make a huge difference in the college .
i loved also the idea of providing students with computers if they dont have, i believe that so much ppl will need that.
he spoke about leaders too, and he said that we are already ! making us feel the responsibility of what we are going through....
i just felt "al7amdulillaaah", al7amdulillah that i have this chance to be in the ACM steering committee, bezzat this committee, i cant tell u how did i join it in the first place .... i wasnt an ACMer aslan, i dont have membership card -till now :P- , and all of a sudden I'm a member in the steering committee !!
one of the things kaman that made me feel so much great is that i was already thinking of most of wat he spoke about, and actually started to implement some.... i felt exactly as Dr. Omar karam said "I'm in the middle of the way!".
al7amdulillah, i hope Allah helps Us - the new steering committee-, as we have plenty of plans and plenty of intentions too... we are indeed a great team :)
al7amdulillah, Thank u ya rabby for this, "وكان فضل الله عليك عظيما"
salam ba2a :)
Today we met Hussein Mhanna, he is an FCISian, 2003 class, and the second president of the ACM-ASCIS.
This meeting is one of the best meetings that i've ever attended. He spoke to us as the new ACM steering committee, telling us advices and so.
i liked the ideas that he spoke about so much, loved especially the idea of having mentors in our college, that was something really. i actually discovered that my problem in my college that i needed a mentor, an advisor. i think this idea will make a huge difference in the college .
i loved also the idea of providing students with computers if they dont have, i believe that so much ppl will need that.
he spoke about leaders too, and he said that we are already ! making us feel the responsibility of what we are going through....
i just felt "al7amdulillaaah", al7amdulillah that i have this chance to be in the ACM steering committee, bezzat this committee, i cant tell u how did i join it in the first place .... i wasnt an ACMer aslan, i dont have membership card -till now :P- , and all of a sudden I'm a member in the steering committee !!
one of the things kaman that made me feel so much great is that i was already thinking of most of wat he spoke about, and actually started to implement some.... i felt exactly as Dr. Omar karam said "I'm in the middle of the way!".
al7amdulillah, i hope Allah helps Us - the new steering committee-, as we have plenty of plans and plenty of intentions too... we are indeed a great team :)
al7amdulillah, Thank u ya rabby for this, "وكان فضل الله عليك عظيما"
salam ba2a :)
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thank You bgd (F)
i feel these words for two of my friends : My kitty and my little apricot :)
and i mean every word and feel it to them.... i wish All of u have friends that can do such an effect in ur lives :)
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
I'm everything I am Because you loved me
and i mean every word and feel it to them.... i wish All of u have friends that can do such an effect in ur lives :)
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
I'm everything I am Because you loved me
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