assalamu 3alikom,
Habit Two says " Start with the end in Mind ", you have to know how do u want it to end, and work for it. Mission statement is about ur goal, vision, dream, desires, wat u want to achieve in life.
u have to set it to plan ur life
HERE is a mission builder by Franklin Covey. More than Perfect. i'm speachless bgd.
all wat i can say is, Check that link...What r u waiting 4 !!!!!!!!!!!
P.S : I LOVE "Covey"s
إن القيمة الحقيقة للحياة تكمن في دورنا فيها وهذا الدور يستحق العناء لأننا صُنّاعه.... اللهم اجعل أعمالنا كلها صالحة، واجعلها لوجهك خالصة، ولا تجعل لأحد فيها شيئاً
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
assalamu 3alikom,
yesterday in the seven habits course that i take, the lecturer was talking about the fifth habit, "Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood". and he said a fact that really made me amazed.
A person's emotional need to be understood is equal to his physical need to BREATHE !!!!!......
i DIDN'T know that !!, when he was saying that sentence i thought he'll say "..... their need to eat !!!".. but Air !!!!, wow, that's Huge!!
Being understood is an ESSENTIAL need!, that's y sm ppl just keep talking and talking, they just want to feel understood...but wat happens that ppl dont listen to each other, every one interrupts the other, and the problem occurs.
understanding that being understood is an essential need for human beings makes u think "who will satisfy ur need". now u wont be talking to any one w 5alas, u'll be seeking ppl who will really understand.
also being aware of that fact, makes u listen and listen and not interrupt ppl, cz they need it as much as they need the air they breathe.
Don't forget to pick those u will listen to, cz u cant just listen to every and any one...also pick those who will listen to u, not every body deserves to understand u :)
yesterday in the seven habits course that i take, the lecturer was talking about the fifth habit, "Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood". and he said a fact that really made me amazed.
A person's emotional need to be understood is equal to his physical need to BREATHE !!!!!......
i DIDN'T know that !!, when he was saying that sentence i thought he'll say "..... their need to eat !!!".. but Air !!!!, wow, that's Huge!!
Being understood is an ESSENTIAL need!, that's y sm ppl just keep talking and talking, they just want to feel understood...but wat happens that ppl dont listen to each other, every one interrupts the other, and the problem occurs.
understanding that being understood is an essential need for human beings makes u think "who will satisfy ur need". now u wont be talking to any one w 5alas, u'll be seeking ppl who will really understand.
also being aware of that fact, makes u listen and listen and not interrupt ppl, cz they need it as much as they need the air they breathe.
Don't forget to pick those u will listen to, cz u cant just listen to every and any one...also pick those who will listen to u, not every body deserves to understand u :)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Follow ur Heart
assalamu 3alikom,
i had an idea for somthing. something that i believed in it so much, had intentions behind it & believed that i'll be making a difference and help ppl to make them feel better.
i prayed isti5ara for this thing several times, and i was amazed with the out comes, i felt that there was a HUGE tayseer and that Allah is really supporting me and guiding me to do it.
Today, i went to discuss that with someone , and here is wat happened
Other ppl interfered and we were not even talking about wat i WANT to do, we went thought an ENTIRELY different conversation.. and OH MY GOD !! they made me see the world dark and gloomy, convinced me that no way to do it, and if i want to change and make a difference i have to do this and this and that, asif i'm the president or something!!!!!!!
it ended up like :"it's is a dream, NOWAY to do it".... or maybe sounded like :"well, u can do X Y Z", although i wanted to do A B C :S :S :S
it was really paining, not that i discovered that i wont do it, but the feeling that :"i was praying isti5ara, every thing was just more than perfect, Allah was making things easy, oh Allah, did i understand ur msg wrong, could it be!!! i thought it was quite clear, and i was happy".
i was sad that i felt that i misunderstood, was happy for nthn actually, i donno how can i describe how i felt, i hope u understand.
then i met some one in power by chance, and told him my idea just for no reason, then wat !!!!! he said that i should stick to it, and he will help me, and that he'll get me sponsorship from a very well known organisation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
things went bright again, i felt Al7amdulillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i didnt get it wrong, Allah wants me to do it, that was really "tayseer", i would never EVER dream of such a thing, Allah supports me, Allah is with me. Lucky i am!
I should follow my heart and do wat pleases and satisfies me, and believe in wat i want, every story of success was just a dream, who knows, maybe when i die i'll be proud, and i really want that! .......
i decided to keep on & do it no matter wat!!. anyway i'm not seeking grades, i dont fear failure, i just want to do my best, and Allah will do the rest, i shouldnt give up, i should follow my heart!
ان اريد الا الاصلاح ما استطعت وما توفيقي الا بالله عليه توكلت واليه انيب
now i remembered "اعملوا آل داوود شكرا"
THANK U Allah, i LOVE sooo much
Pray for me guys :) .... meet u in ur do3aaa2
i had an idea for somthing. something that i believed in it so much, had intentions behind it & believed that i'll be making a difference and help ppl to make them feel better.
i prayed isti5ara for this thing several times, and i was amazed with the out comes, i felt that there was a HUGE tayseer and that Allah is really supporting me and guiding me to do it.
Today, i went to discuss that with someone , and here is wat happened
Other ppl interfered and we were not even talking about wat i WANT to do, we went thought an ENTIRELY different conversation.. and OH MY GOD !! they made me see the world dark and gloomy, convinced me that no way to do it, and if i want to change and make a difference i have to do this and this and that, asif i'm the president or something!!!!!!!
it ended up like :"it's is a dream, NOWAY to do it".... or maybe sounded like :"well, u can do X Y Z", although i wanted to do A B C :S :S :S
it was really paining, not that i discovered that i wont do it, but the feeling that :"i was praying isti5ara, every thing was just more than perfect, Allah was making things easy, oh Allah, did i understand ur msg wrong, could it be!!! i thought it was quite clear, and i was happy".
i was sad that i felt that i misunderstood, was happy for nthn actually, i donno how can i describe how i felt, i hope u understand.
then i met some one in power by chance, and told him my idea just for no reason, then wat !!!!! he said that i should stick to it, and he will help me, and that he'll get me sponsorship from a very well known organisation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
things went bright again, i felt Al7amdulillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i didnt get it wrong, Allah wants me to do it, that was really "tayseer", i would never EVER dream of such a thing, Allah supports me, Allah is with me. Lucky i am!
I should follow my heart and do wat pleases and satisfies me, and believe in wat i want, every story of success was just a dream, who knows, maybe when i die i'll be proud, and i really want that! .......
i decided to keep on & do it no matter wat!!. anyway i'm not seeking grades, i dont fear failure, i just want to do my best, and Allah will do the rest, i shouldnt give up, i should follow my heart!
ان اريد الا الاصلاح ما استطعت وما توفيقي الا بالله عليه توكلت واليه انيب
now i remembered "اعملوا آل داوود شكرا"
THANK U Allah, i LOVE sooo much
Pray for me guys :) .... meet u in ur do3aaa2
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Academic skills center
i was googling online one day & found This link, one of the best web pages that i ever saw..
it contains online videos talking about differnet skills such as Time Management, Notetaking, Stress Management,Reading Improvement and others.
i wish u like it too,
Enjoy :)
it contains online videos talking about differnet skills such as Time Management, Notetaking, Stress Management,Reading Improvement and others.
i wish u like it too,
Enjoy :)
Sunday, July 1, 2007
و أهلها مصلحون
السلام عليكم
كثيرا ما كان ينتابني شعور بالإحباط أو الاستسلام أو أيا ما كان مسماه عندما أشرع في شيء أرى أن له هدفا ساميا ولا أجد دعما من أحد, بل على العكس تماما, هناك من الناس من لا شغل له إلا "إيقاف المراكب السايرة"
كثيرا ما أسمع :"انتي فاكرة نفسك هتعملي ثورة 23"و "إيه الفايده" و "و مالهاش لازمة" و "انتي فاكرة نفسك هتغيري الدنيا"و "خلاص مفيش أمل" و غيره من المحبطات التي لا تجعلني أعود إلى أرض الواقع, بل و أرتطم بها!!!
ولكني أرى أنه من واجبي تحسين الوضع الذي نحن فيه, ولو بأيسر اليسير و على قدر استطاعتي و بما وهبني الله رب العزة من قدرات, لأن هذا الوضع غير مقبول على الإطلاق و لأن الله جل في علاه يقول:"إن الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم"... و علي على الأقل أن أحاول و أبدأ و ما توفيقي إلا بالله...و دع أذاهم و توكل على الله
و أعود و أرى أني أحلم و احلم, و أستيقظ على ما قلته في البدء, و اعود و أحبط
و لكني اليوم سمعت آية في كتاب الله العزيز, كأني أسمعها لأول مرة و يا سبحان الله, كان وقعها علي كأعجب ما يكون
و ما كان الله مهلك القرى بظلم و أهلها مصلحون"
و ما كان الله مهلك القرى بظلم و أهلها مصلحون"
ياااااااااااااااااااااااه..... شوية فصحى كمان!! .. "مصلحون" اسم فاعل , تدل على التجدد و الاستمرار و المتابعة...يعني يمكن أن نفسرها :"و أهلها يصلحون"...لغويا تعطي هذا المعنى
ياااااااه , أيضا "أهلها" ليس سادتها!!!!!.... الشعب , أنا و انت و هي
يا الله, يعني لن نهلك ما دمنا نسعى في إصلاح أمتنا, وصف الله ذلك بالظلم!!!! ياما أنت كريــــــــــــــم يا رب
الآن أشعر بتحسن بالغ و لدي نية جديدة, و كلما شعرت بيأس سأتذكر بإذن الله هذه الأية, عسى أن نكون سببا في حفظ هذه الأمة
الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله ...اللهم لك الحمد حتى ترضى و لك الحمد إذا رضيت و لك الحمد بعد الرضا
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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