إن القيمة الحقيقة للحياة تكمن في دورنا فيها وهذا الدور يستحق العناء لأننا صُنّاعه.... اللهم اجعل أعمالنا كلها صالحة، واجعلها لوجهك خالصة، ولا تجعل لأحد فيها شيئاً
Friday, January 30, 2009
Little Afraa :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
إن ربي لسميع الدعاء
assalamu 3alikom,
At work, it was planned that we travel to Qatar to deliver the project we are working on, the travel date was set on 20/1/09, and had been changed to 22/1/09 :), which is tom :)
of course al7amdulillaah i was praying isti5ara about traveling to Qatar, and after that i have been told that i'm chosen to travel.. so al7amdulillaah :)
One day, i went to visit my aunt, where i met her husband -he works also as a da3eya- and i told him that i'm leaving to Qatar soon isAllaah..
Then came his Q: "Who is the "me7rem" who is travelling with u??".. i said: "none, but i'm travelling with refqa ma2moona- el shar3 says: me7rem OR refqa ma2moona".. he said:"Honey, refqa ma2moona if u were 45 years old or smth, now with ur age, u travel only with a me7rem, if u were my daughter, i wont let u travel"...
Well, i didnt know what to say, i was totally convinced that it's not 7araam as we have "refqa ma2moona", and i said to myself: anyways, i'm praying isti5araa, and Allaah will do what's good :)..
Few days later, a friend confirmed the information that "refqa ma2moona" condition applies only if we were 45 years old or more!, and she said: tab3aan 7araaam.. i was :S :S.. Again i thought: i'm praying isti5ara, Allaah will do what is good :)
Then for a second i thought: Wait a min!!!, it's 7araaam, i'm making isti5ara on ma3seyaa!!!!!!!, how stupid!!! i have to refuse travelling with no question!!!
Well, it was too late to refuse, i felt really bad… I may do smth 7araam Only in case I Dont know it's 7araaam.. But doing it intentionally knowing it's 7araam!!, this is not me!!!
What shall i do now!!, i just cant go to my manager and say: Good morning, I’m not traveling cz it's 7araam.. ya salaaaaaaaaam, ommaal wafe2t leeh mn el awwel!!!!!!
i prayed to Allaah and said: ya rabby plz, u know how i really wanted to go, and u know i dont want to do anything 7araam, ya rabby i'm not sure if this is refqa ma2moona or not.. please dont let me choose.. ya rabby, if u are not rady about this trip, plz ya raaby prevent it by anyhow, dont let me choose, i'll be satisfied with whatever u choose for me, just dont let me do smth 7araam, plzzz...
Then, tan tan taaaaaaaaaan, we had a meeting, the manager said: "Let me tell u the latest updates. Every thing is booked, ur tickets and hotel, and money is ready.. yet there is only one thing, Qatar rejected ur visas.. cz Qatar does not accept any visa applications for "Egyptian" or "Philippines" "Females" , only males!!!!!!"...
I felt like : WOOOOWWW :D :D :D, shokraaan ya rabbenaaa awiiiiiiiiiii... al7amdulillaaaaaaah, i didnt have to choose :D.. actually we all believe that there are problems between Qatar and Egypt bcz not allowing the Qatari aids for Gaza, and not attending the Summit in Qatar... But peace :D :D, Hosni Mubarak didnt go to Qatar so that i dont do smth 7araaam :D.. Allaaah really "7allaha" on his own way, on a veryyyy large scale :) :) :) ...al7amduillaaaaah :) :)
Now, a TL of mine has to travel to UK, alone too, i just said: Al7amdulillaahi allathy 3aafana memma ibtala bihi katheeran mn 5alqih :).. it's a bless that Allaah keeps sins away from u :) al7amdulillaaaaah :)
Thanks ya Allaaaah, indeed: enna rabbyy la-samee3-ul Du3aa2 :)
al7amdulillaaah :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Mai Sbelleng Mestakez :D
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Killer Whales :)

assalamu 3alikom,
Few days ago i watched a video about killer whales, i really wonder y they call them "Killer", i see they are very cute and adorable, i just love them :)
The whale i was watching was so sweet and lovely.. Looks pretty, and friendly, i felt like: yaaaaaaah, ana nefsy fe whale! :).. i fell in love with them :) :)
I then said: ya rabby, 2orzo2ny 7oot 2ammoor :).. My younger brother said: !!!! enty 3arfa el 7oot da 2add a!!!, hat7otteeh feeen???!!!!!
Then i said: ya rabb 2erzo2ny 7ooot 2ammoor w berkaa :)
He said: !!!!!!! el berka mesh kefayaa 3ala el 7oot??!! el 7oot 3ayez mo7eeet!!
So i said: ya raaab 2erzo2ny 7ooot w mo7eeet :)
He said: !!!! enty 3ayza rabbena yorzo2ik mo7eet ezzaay!!!!!
I said: maho rabbena y2dar... mesh howwa qader! :)
Then he said: !!! enty 3arfa el 7ooot byakoll kam kilo samak fel yoom!!!! enty hat2akkeleeh meneen!!!!!!!
Then my sister said: ma el mo7eeet haykoon feeh samaak keteeer.. malaksh da3wa enta bass :D
Howwa it's impossible to possess an ocean, i Know, and I know that whales are not cats :) i know :)
But i just like asking Allaaah with the smile in the face :), knowing that instead, he sub7anahu wata3alaa will give me an ocean with whales fel gannaa, or build me a palace fel gannaa, or remove a harm that was going to happen to me fel donia :)
It's also wonderful to imagine that i have my own whale :) :)
Wish u whales :) killer ones, cz they are lovely :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Peace of Mind..
assalamu 3alikom,
Peace of mind, or raa7et el baal, is a very important factor of any achievement or success or even satisfaction in our lives.
No matter how talented u are, gifted or blessed, u wont feel it, enjoy t, of achieve any satisfying outcomes if u dont have peace of mind.
Peace of mind is defined as: the freedom from fear, freedom from anger and freedom from guilt.. (by Brain Tracy)
If u can remember any state of happiness, u'll recall that u were free of those three negative feelings, that's y u enjoyed that moment and it was a happy moment for u.
Peace of mind is very dear and it worth that u keep it..
Fear can be for the simplest reason, but it has a big negative impact on how u perform things and progress, with fear u dont feel that u are u, u feel paralyzed and can't take most of ur decisions.
Anger, is destructive feeling, makes u see other's mistakes or misunderstanding as unforgivable mistakes, u over react, u loose ur patience, forgiveness, love and many others, u just convert to not only a different person, but a different creature.
Sometimes anger takes a different form, when it's buried inside u against all the surroundings: the government, the ppl, ur family, ur job.. u are just angry from every thing! Definitely in this stage u are not experiencing peace of mind!
Guilt may kill, ask me about it!!, it's when u are seeing that u have made a disaster and u are really hopeless, czu cannot do anything about it, u can not make the situation better. It's when u cannot forgive ur self and keep punishing it!
U'll notice that in Islaam, Allaah sub7anahu wata3alaa wanted us to have that peace of mind in every aspect in our lives. Allaah sub7anahu wata3alaa, if not in Qur2aan then by sayyedna Muhammad's sunnaa, guided us to behave or believe in certain ways to achieve peace of mind
- Allaah freed us form fear, by telling us to have yaqeen, and to know that every thing is in Allaah's sub7anahu wata3alaa's hands, our future and rizq and every thing that we may worry about is qadar, and u trust Allaah sub7anahu wata3alaa in every thing that happens in our lives, and we know that any thing we get or loose is bcz it was or wasnt our rizq, and we leave the future to Allaah making the present and the ijtihaad in what in hands, our only concern .
-Allaah freed us from Anger, by commanding us to hold it when ever we feel it, telling us the br8 thawaab of "Kathm Al 3'ayth", and sending sayyedna Muhammad to tell us that we are stronger when we hold our anger not by acting angrily, and telling us that anger is from Shitaan, and we need to relax and thing b4 reacting, have "Wodoo2" and/or change our physical position.
-Allaah freed us from Guilt by giving us hope, and telling us that although we may not forgive our selves, yet Allaah forgives every thing, and there is always hope in his mercy, that no matter how big were our mistakes, Allaah is bigger, and his mercy always comes b4 his punishment sub7anahu wata3alaa. Not only by hope we over come our feeling of guild, yet by action to do to be in the state of "Tasalo7 ma3 el nafs", doing things as "Tawba", to let u know deeeeep inside ur self, that as long as u did that deeds that Allaah said they are "Kaffara", then for sure he forgives u.. and that all the "Kaffara" deeds, or actions intended for "Tawba" praying, fasting or giving money- are a great bless from Allaah sub7anahu wata3alaa to let us come over what ever we have done wrong, free our selves from the guilt and keep on our lives.
So whenever u are feeling bad, remember the three feeling, ask ur self, then run to Allaaah, open the "Qur2aan" and read some verses, do any action with the tawba intention, and remember that Allaah "commanded" us with the peace of mind.
Wish u all the peace of minds..
Meet u in ur Du3aa2...
Assalamu 3alikom
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Way to Jannah
للذين اتقوا عند ربهم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار خالدين فيها وازواج مطهرة ورضوان من الله والله بصير بالعباد
ان الله يحب المتقين
وسارعوا الى مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها السماوات والارض اعدت للمتقين
للذين احسنوا منهم واتقوا اجر عظيم
لكن الذين اتقوا ربهم لهم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار خالدين فيها نزلا من عند الله وما عند الله خير للابرار
فمن اتقى واصلح فلا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون
واعلموا ان الله مع المتقين
مثل الجنة التي وعد المتقون تجري من تحتها الانهار اكلها دائم وظلها تلك عقبى الذين اتقوا
تلك الجنة التي نورث من عبادنا من كان تقيا
وينجي الله الذين اتقوا بمفازتهم لا يمسهم السوء ولا هم يحزنون
ان المتقين في جنات وعيون
ان المتقين في جنات ونعيم
ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا
ومن يتق الله يجعل له من امره يسرا
ومن يتق الله يكفر عنه سيئاته ويعظم له اجرا
ان للمتقين عند ربهم جنات النعيم
Thursday, January 1, 2009
On my way to work..
Assalamu 3alikom,
My dear friend Nosayba once told me that she was very overloaded, one day she s on her way to clg she said : "ya rabb ogbor b-5atry", and in that day a dear friend of hers showed up with a beautiful present and gave it to her for no reason except that she loves her :)...
I prayed and prayed, and thanked Allaaah for letting me have this wonderful chance, and for reminding me to pray at that moment too, cz i could have simply just drink without remembering to pray!.. al7amdulillaaaaaaah :), i felt that rabbena made this girl go to 7ajj for me :) .. al7amdulillaaaah
Shokraan ya Rabbenaa... Rabbena indeed gabar b5atryyy :) :)
The Ladder Theory..

assalamu 3alikom,
ppl who carry el sellem bel 3ard feel ba, then they decide to change, to feel good, they want to change the ladder position not to hit against every body, so what do most ppl do!!, instead carrying the ladder vertically, they walk bel 3ard, they rotate themselves and they feel that: "WOW, we are not hitting anymore!", but the truth is: they changed!, mashyeen b-ganbihom badal maymsho do3'ry...
walking do3'ry represents keeping u values, principles and keeping Allaah in front of u and watching ur intention... some ppl once facing any hard situation -in order not to feel bad or guilty- simply through their values away, forget about having a good intention, forget that Allaah is watching, and start walking bel gamb!
All i wanted to say that, when u are carrying a ladder, make sure that u are not carrying it bel 3ard.. if u are not, just make sure that the "Ladder's" position is changed not urs!... After all, we all have ladders to carry :)
yalla Salaaam :)