assalamu 3alikom,
One of the theories i learnt by my dad's friend was "The Ladder Theory”..
Actually he said it to my aunt when dad was in the hospital, as she was very worried about dad, life, how things will go, what will happen next and what will happen if..... and stuff like that.
3ammo fawzy once told her: "Matsheleesh el sellem bel3ard ya 7agga", she was like "!! What sellem".. he said:"Imagine that we all are walking in a crowded street and each of us is carrying a ladder, Imagine how will u suffer lw kont shayel el sellem bel 3ard.. ur movment progress will be almost zero, and in addition to the pain u have due to the ladder weight it self, u'll be suffering from every body hitting against ur ladder".. He also said: "ppl who carry their ladder vertically -bel toool- are much more happy, and much less suffering and walk much faster although they are carrying the same weight!"...
The ladder is the problems u have in life, troubles or hard situation.. The way u carry the ladder is how u deal with the situation and how u feel about it... the crowd in the street is the daily life u life.. u whether feel fine about it -lw shayel el sellem bel toool- or feeling really bad about every thing that happens -lw shayl el sellem bel 3ard- ... also notice how ppl progress with different speed according to how they carry the ladder.
Well, i believe this is true, Very true, it's all about how we are carrying our ladders, I also found the following.. Now me not 3ammo fawzy :D :D
ppl who carry el sellem bel 3ard feel ba, then they decide to change, to feel good, they want to change the ladder position not to hit against every body, so what do most ppl do!!, instead carrying the ladder vertically, they walk bel 3ard, they rotate themselves and they feel that: "WOW, we are not hitting anymore!", but the truth is: they changed!, mashyeen b-ganbihom badal maymsho do3'ry...
walking do3'ry represents keeping u values, principles and keeping Allaah in front of u and watching ur intention... some ppl once facing any hard situation -in order not to feel bad or guilty- simply through their values away, forget about having a good intention, forget that Allaah is watching, and start walking bel gamb!
All i wanted to say that, when u are carrying a ladder, make sure that u are not carrying it bel 3ard.. if u are not, just make sure that the "Ladder's" position is changed not urs!... After all, we all have ladders to carry :)
yalla Salaaam :)
if the ladder's width is the same as its height ?? ..
ReplyDeleteif all the people around you are allll crying there ladders " bel 3ard " ??
3agbtny el post awi .. bas I dont like my ladder :| :| :|
Nice to hear from u ya 3abdelra7maan, loooooong time no hear!.. hope u are doing well fel sho3'l ...
ReplyDeleteWell, i dont think that this happens at all, enn el height is equal to the width, el wa7ed bas lamma byb2a understress aw by-loose el hope aw yb2a metdaye2 shwayya byb2a faqed el amal fe 7agata keteer.. w daymaaan el selleem tooloo akbar mn 3ardo for two reasons:
- Ra7met rabbena 3aleena
- it wont be a ladder sa3et-ha.. howwa elly momken y7sal enn el wa7ed byb2a byt-hayya2lo enn el tool zayy el 3ard, mn kotr mahowwa ta3baan mn sheel el sellem fa mesh 2ader ye3mel effort zayada y2leb beeh el seelm, but it worths the effort.
if every body 7awaleek shayel el selleb bel 3ard, yb2a 7all mn 2:
1) tet3ab shwayyaa l7add matroo7 fe share3 fady feeh nas shayla salalemha bel tool
2)te2leb el sellem beta3ak lwa7dak, w tetsa7mel el 5abt shwayya, w shwayya shwayya el nas hata5od balha ennak mestarayya7 aktar menhom w ybda2o y2alledoook :) el mawdoo3 me7taag sabr, wel sabr agroo kbeeeer :)
Change ur attitude.. el 7ayaah 7elwa ya 3abdelra7maaan... bas nefhamha
That was a great post. Especially the idea of turning 90 degree and walking by side while the ladder is still horizontal to us although other see it as vertical.
ReplyDeletePeople can't hold their ladder and they are always like "Life is rude" or "It's not possible those days" it's only we are afraid to change - the way of carrying the ladder not the way of walking.
Thanks Ahmad for ur comment, it's nice to know that u read my blog :) .. wish u are doing well in ur exams
ReplyDeletemy regards to 3ammo Fawzy .. gazah Allah wa gazaky 7'ayran :D
ReplyDeleteFoaad :).. ezyyaaak!!
ReplyDeleteAllaaah ysallemak :D... jazana wa eyyaaakom :)
Wow, What a HD Example, really nice one.
ReplyDeletemmmm, asl 2embare7 la2eet nafsy el mood beta3y haye2leb, we la2eet nafsy we le 2awwel marra 2a7ess 2enn mafeesh wa2t, really, I found my self saying, no time for bad moods.
fa sob7an Allah el naharda ro7t el sho3'l we 2et2araft 2akher 7aga, we wana merawwa7 ma3a zamayly fyl sho3'l kont hatalla3 el 2araf dah 3aleehom :D, we ba3deen 2eftakart el kelma beta3et no time for bad moods, fa gatly fekra, 2oltelhom we7na mashyeen fyl share3 ba2olloko eih, ana hatalla3 el safandeyyaya elly ma3aya we 2akolha 7ad 3ayez 7ettta :D, we 2et2alabet el denya de7k we tahyeees ba2a we kanet makanet el ATM hatakol el card beta3y we merawwa7 we ma3eesh fy geeby 3'eer 2etneen geneeh we kaaan 7ewaaar, mesh 3aref eih 3elaket el kessa dy bel post, bas 3aady ya3ni :D , wa domotom salemeeen :D
thanks for that really nice post :)
e7l la2eto :D .. bas I have 2 Qs :
ReplyDelete1- beyethayya2li ya Noha law el sellem taweel awe, as-hal enno yetshal bel 3ard law nas keteer shayleeno, walla eh ?
2- law el sellem taweel awe w mafeesh 7ad yeshelo ma3aki .. sa3b el wa7ed yemshy beh w howwa bel tool 3alashan taweel awe awe, walla eh ????