Friday, November 28, 2008

It's OK :)

assalamu 3alikom,

yaaaah, I really can not believe that i wrote only one post in November, where have I been all this time??!!.. anyways :) here i am!

I donno what shall I say, mmmm, I'll just let it go :)...
Well, things nowadays are really different and strange, a lot of things happened to me last month.. i started work, started serious masters lectures and feeling like i'm starting a totally different life..
All this happened all of a sudden, now i pause and try to understand what happened to me!!

Why am i saying this! well, bcz i feel i have changed.. me is not the me i used to know, i cannot understand how i feel actually..
Last month i was staying alone, having the time to think, talk to Allaah, read Quraan and pray a lot "make Du3aa2" and see the good things in whatever happenes to me.. this is not happening any more :(

Now it's really different, woking and getting busy with new things makes u away even from ur self... many things now are really bothering me, i dont even feel that i have the time to feel bothered!!
To be honest, i really want to cry..
you may find it silly, but here is not the place to mention the things that are bothering me or making me feel bad, but i just need to cry..

i wish to cry :) .. and i pray to Allaaah that i pray "bad3y enny ad3y", feeling apart from Allaah is a bad feeling by the way...

I hope to feel better sooon :) i know i will isAllaaah.. 
nefsy a-solitude awiiiii.. when and where! i donno!!.. isAllaah i'll do it :)

mmmm, donno what to say, i believe that it's normal to feel like this as i'm having a new experience, working, being in a big company, doing a work that i have no experience about, having strict deadlines, working with ppl i donno, having TLs and managers.. all this is really new and makes anybody feel wierd.. it just takes a little time to adapt.. i need to take my time

It's a matter of time w shwayyet sabr :)
isAllaah 5eeer...


  1. TOTALLY Feeling like u, May be this is one of the reasons i want to quit the masters cause i coudn't feel it AWI, Lectures Day3a we Dr.s mabygosh, no additions actually -Except knowing lovely people tab3an- I felt like i should stop ASAP, and Get real Knowledge by other means maslan-Really confused- But i think that i'll find my way Soon isALLAH.

  2. yes ya Mai, i can feel exactly how u feel..

    ana kaman i was thinking of quitting the masters, 7assaha zayy 2ellet-ha fe3laan.. w maba2etsh a7ebb el kolleyya zayy el awwel.. 2abl keda kan momken asta7mel ayy 7aga fel kolleyya 3ashan ba7ebbaha.. delwa2ty la2 :S

    bas 7asseet enno keda keda madam fe3lan mafeesh 7aga 3edla btetaa5ed, yb2a enno yb2a ma3aya masters a7san mn mafeesh.. w metday2a enny bafakkar keda.. 3ashan fe3lan mesh la2ya neyya mo7tarama 2a2abel beeha rabbena fel masters de :S

    bas fe3lan qarrart enny asbor.. ana 7asseet enn rabbena by2olly 5ody el masters ya noha.. w esta5art kteer, w koll maqarrar enny hasebha 2ala2y 7aga t7assesny enno la2 kammely..
    ana ba2ollik el kalaam da 3ashanik.. ymken t7essy ennik u are not feeling keda alone, w ennena ma3aki sharing u ur feeling...
    it's fe3lam a matter of time w shwayyet sabr...
    bas mata5deesh el 2omoor 3ala a3saabik.. asl ana 3arfaki :D.. e3mely zayyee ana w heba w heba :D.. w fayez endamm le 7ezb el mo2amaar :D wenty el wa7eeda elly lessa wa5da el donia gadd :D

    feel fresh e7na fe re7laa :D

    wish u luck bgd ya Mai... rabbena yerdeeki yaaaaaa rabb :)

  3. I'm not sure that I know the feeling. Things are different for me this year too, but I'm still a college student, that didn't graduate nor worked :D

    anyway, I wanted to share wiz u a constant prayer for me.

    اللهمّ أنِر بصيرتي

    اللهمّ أرني الحق حقًا و ارزقني اتباعه...و أرني الباطل باطلًا و ارزقني اجتنابه

    I know these are common for LOTss of people (el7amdoulellah), just make them constant wiz whatever da3wa u say :) :)

    They make a difference :)

    finally, و عسى ان تكرهوا شيئًا و هو خير لكم...و عسى ان تحبوا شيئًا و هو شر لكم

    may Allah guide your way and make u feel at peace :)

  4. Before Reading the post --> I was confused

    While Reading the post --> I wanted too to cry :S, but i didn't lel 2asaf :(

    After Reading the post --> I wanted to comment a comment for myself, and at the same time a comment as an advice, but finally after reading the comments, i got a decision of not commenting :D :S

    anyway, i wish i could keep up with my dof3a's blogs zay zaman :(

  5. Thnx ya Noraaan, kalamik gameeel dayman 3ala toool masha2Allaah 3aleeki
    Ahmad, ana d7ekt bsara7a when i read the comment :).. thnx for the comment that u decided not to write :) :)
