Wednesday, August 20, 2008

قد سألت البلاء

when u have a very heavy burder on ur heart, all u ask Allaah for is some Patience, not to suffer of what is tiring ur brain, making u worried all the time and having those big holes in ur heart.

talking about my self i usually ask Allaah for patience, and i increase this Do3aa2 in bad times, and ask ppl i know to pray for me and ask Allah to give me patience..

Today, talking to a dear wise friend, she said: Dont ask Allaah for patience!, i said: y!!!, she said: asking to be patient on what!, it's like u ask Allaah for ibtilaa2...

for me, it was the firt time to here about this, it turned out to be a 7adeeth:
مر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم برجل وهو يقول اللهم إني أسألك الصبر فقال‏:‏ قد سألت البلاء فسل الله العافية قال‏:‏ ومر برجل يقول اللهم إني أسألك تمام النعمة قال‏:‏ يا ابن آدم أتدري ما تمام النعمة قال‏:‏ دعوة دعوت بها أرجو بها الخير قال‏:‏ فإن تمام النعمة فوز من النار ودخول الجنة

i found it after googling.. she didn't mention it in the call, i thought it was her opinion..

but the major thing i was thinking about is: yaah, does this mean that prophet Muhammad, PBUH, never asked Allaah for patience?!!!! never ever??!!!
i googled that too, and i was surprised that the answer was yes, except for this 7adeeth:

اللهم إني أسألك الصبر عند القضاء، و منازل الشهداء، وعيش السعداء، والنصر على الأعداء، ومرافقة الأنبياء،

plz notice that Prophet Muhammad asked Allah for patience "Conditinally", only in the case that Allaah "qaddar el balaa2" and it happened.. عند القضاء!

I also searched in the Holy Qur2an for "صبر" and noticed that "Sabr" is situation dependent, and when Allaah commands us of being patient, it's a command of having the "attitude" of being patient.. so it is something YOU do, not smthing u ask Allaah to give u..

i thought, like what, ya3ny a smthing i do, an attitude!!, and i had this example in mind, i hope it makes it clear:
when u want to reach somewhere by ur car, the clg for example, u ask Allaah by saying : ya rabb awsal el kolleyyaa, ya rabb i make it there masalan... u never say : ya rabb erzo2ny enny a3raf asoo2 l7add el kolleyyaa!!!!... y!! bcz driving is ur mission, ur way of dealing with the situation, u chose to drive ur car, so u just have to do it... u only then may ask Allaah to reach there safe and sound!

so let's conclude here, and excuse it's simplisity, that patience is like driving, is the state u r in when dealing with "Ibtilaa2", u only ask Allaaah to have only in the case of ibtilaa2, not always... and care for how u ask Allaah for it, not to be asking Allaah for the balaa2 :)

rabbena yo3allemna wa 2eyyakom, and thnx for ur time :)

assalamu 3alikom

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