إن القيمة الحقيقة للحياة تكمن في دورنا فيها وهذا الدور يستحق العناء لأننا صُنّاعه.... اللهم اجعل أعمالنا كلها صالحة، واجعلها لوجهك خالصة، ولا تجعل لأحد فيها شيئاً
Thursday, August 28, 2008
What hurts most!
I have been through a lot too, and felt like that a lot, but what really hurted and hurt me most is being accused of smthn that i have never done or will do, and finding my slef treated based on unfair conclusions that others made...
When sm1 judges ur intentions, or decides with theirselves that ur neyya was a bad thing, and start treating u as the bad person with the bad intentions... or when they conclude that u "are" sm1, and of course a bad one, and believe that u are that person and also treat u based on that asuumption, and it even goes to the extent that they tell u : "u are......... "and they dont accept any excuses... then u are nothn but SHOCKED !!!, cz u never ever want or wish or even like doing what they say u do... and u just stay still, unable either to speak nor defend ur self, and feeel the deepest wound in ur heart.. It hurts even more when those ppl are the closest to u, it makes it a HUGE pain!
It's unfair, and hurting and shocking, and u keep wondering: "Y!!!!!", and the only thing u have is to ask Allaah: يا ربي دافع عني, إن لم يكن بك علي غضب فلا أبالي
and pray that one day they'll know the truth, feel sorry for the pain they caused to u, and know that u were never the person they thought u are...
ya rabb ... maybe oneday.. who knows!! :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
It's Time to Analyze
we all know there are no shayateen in Ramadaan, and that all the bad deeds that we see in Ramadan are from the "Nafs", as there is no what is known as "waswasa".
Brother Ahmad gave a simple example: let's say that whenever u meet me -for example- u punch my stomach, then i throw up, again u meet me, punch my stomach and i throw up , every time!..
then it happens that i don't meet u for a long while, but i keep throwing up every day.. now there must be smth wrong "inside" my body that causes it, cz i no longer meet u, this means that i can not blame u anymore for throwing up.. so i better fix my own inside problem.
the same thing in Ramadan.. in Ramadan, every sin u do, each bad deed is because of u and only u, because shitaan is not there, and u r the only one to be blamed for whatever u do..
so it's time for u to prepare ur self a list with all the sins u do, every thing u want to quit, and make ramadan ur start.. also to analyze ur behaviour, and see, what was due to u and what was bcz of the Shitaan, and analyze, and admitt ur mistakes and figure out how to fix them or make Tawba.. and start in action..
وآخرون اعترفوا بذنوبهم خلطوا عملا صالحا وآخر سيئا عسى الله أن يتوب عليهم إن الله غفور رحيم
Allaah bless u All, wish u a fruitfull analysis :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Orange Juice
the talk today was about "Learning", and i'll cover the session isAllaah soon in coming posts. but i want to mention now the "Orange Juice" story :)
brother Ahmad was talking about working on ur character and he said a very nice thing: we have two looks, the physical one, that every body sees, and the inner look, that is the person inside us.. and that each person inside each of us has a different look than the physical look, based on the charactaristics of that inner person..
he asked us to close our eyes for seconds, and imagine what our inner person looks like!... now what do u see, is it a beautiful creature, on an ugly one?.. this depeds on ur heart and manner :)
and that this inner person shows clearly when pressure comes. if u wanna know how does ur inner person look like, just watch ur self when u are under pressure, or in other words, in an Ibtilaa2...
then he asked a question, he said though it may sound silly, trivial or worthless, but it had a major and a huge effect on his personality and really changed alot of him.. now you think of an answer to it..
"what comes out when u sqeeze an orange??" .. yes think.. what comes out when u sqeeze an orange!!! Got it!!
The squeezing process is the pressure u go through, and of course, u are the orange, and ur inside look or character is the orange juice that come out of u...
some times Allah puts u in an Ibtilaa2 to squeese u and show u things deep inside u, that u woud never see, to let u dig deep inside, and clean ur heart corners and wash them out..
it doesnt make any sence that when u have a bad day, and yell at ppl around u bcz u have been though alot that day, then u come and say: sorry i acted like that, i have been through a lot today... and u start mentioning the "Outside" effects that happened to u to justify y ur orange juice was that black..
but it makes no sence...how come u blame outside things for things that came out of u, from ur "inside"... Only blame the orange!!
so always watch ur orange juice, and make sure that u need the orange juice to be as nice as ur orange shell looks from outside, not to shock ppl of what came out of it, and remember that the Orange juice is what really matters!
إن الله لا ينظر إلى أجسادكم ولا إلى صوركم ولكن ينظر إلى قلوبكم
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
قد سألت البلاء
talking about my self i usually ask Allaah for patience, and i increase this Do3aa2 in bad times, and ask ppl i know to pray for me and ask Allah to give me patience..
Today, talking to a dear wise friend, she said: Dont ask Allaah for patience!, i said: y!!!, she said: asking to be patient on what!, it's like u ask Allaah for ibtilaa2...
for me, it was the firt time to here about this, it turned out to be a 7adeeth:
مر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم برجل وهو يقول اللهم إني أسألك الصبر فقال: قد سألت البلاء فسل الله العافية قال: ومر برجل يقول اللهم إني أسألك تمام النعمة قال: يا ابن آدم أتدري ما تمام النعمة قال: دعوة دعوت بها أرجو بها الخير قال: فإن تمام النعمة فوز من النار ودخول الجنة
i found it after googling.. she didn't mention it in the call, i thought it was her opinion..
but the major thing i was thinking about is: yaah, does this mean that prophet Muhammad, PBUH, never asked Allaah for patience?!!!! never ever??!!!
i googled that too, and i was surprised that the answer was yes, except for this 7adeeth:
اللهم إني أسألك الصبر عند القضاء، و منازل الشهداء، وعيش السعداء، والنصر على الأعداء، ومرافقة الأنبياء،
plz notice that Prophet Muhammad asked Allah for patience "Conditinally", only in the case that Allaah "qaddar el balaa2" and it happened.. عند القضاء!
I also searched in the Holy Qur2an for "صبر" and noticed that "Sabr" is situation dependent, and when Allaah commands us of being patient, it's a command of having the "attitude" of being patient.. so it is something YOU do, not smthing u ask Allaah to give u..
i thought, like what, ya3ny a smthing i do, an attitude!!, and i had this example in mind, i hope it makes it clear:
when u want to reach somewhere by ur car, the clg for example, u ask Allaah by saying : ya rabb awsal el kolleyyaa, ya rabb i make it there masalan... u never say : ya rabb erzo2ny enny a3raf asoo2 l7add el kolleyyaa!!!!... y!! bcz driving is ur mission, ur way of dealing with the situation, u chose to drive ur car, so u just have to do it... u only then may ask Allaah to reach there safe and sound!
so let's conclude here, and excuse it's simplisity, that patience is like driving, is the state u r in when dealing with "Ibtilaa2", u only ask Allaaah to have only in the case of ibtilaa2, not always... and care for how u ask Allaah for it, not to be asking Allaah for the balaa2 :)
rabbena yo3allemna wa 2eyyakom, and thnx for ur time :)
assalamu 3alikom
Saturday, August 16, 2008
لوجه الله
I attended a session yesterday talking about "Deeds liwajh Allah" by Brother Ahmad.. an Egyptian Amercian man who is here in Egypt for a short visit and leaving soon isAllaah..
He spoke about several topics:
- What does "Liwajh Allaah" mean ?.. and y the face "wajh" ? Liwajh Allaah means that it's done only for the Sake of Allah, seeking Allaah's satisfaction and pleasure..and y "Face (Wajh)", bcz, if sm1 is satisfied with what u did, u will know it directly form the face.. it's like this : u know that allaah is watching u, and u r doing now smth for his sake, and expecting the satisfaction smile in his Face "laysa kamithlihi shay2" sub7anahu wata3ala, and that he is smiling while seeing u dong the thing he likes u to do
- How to know that what u Did was "liwajh Allaah"? -u don't care what u get back, u just do it for Allaah, bcz Allaaah loves it.let's say u gave ur friend a present "liwajh Allaah", and expected that he/she will treat u the next day so well out of ur gift's effect. unfortunatly, ur friend treated u bad.. if u for a second felt like:"I just gave him/her a present, how did he/she treat me like this!!"... then be sure it wasnt 100% liwajhi allaah.. cz, u see, u cared for what u get back, u did it for a purpose, for a benifit that u will gain, not purely liwajhi Allaah.All what u think of while doing anything is that : Allaah Loves....this needs sabr, patience, to wait to get the reward fel a5ira
- How to know that what u Will do is "liwajh Allaah"? If u attempt ding smthn, and paused for a second thinking: i'm going to do it lwajhi Allaah.. just ask ur self a little Q; what if i falied in doing it, what if some one else did it ans suceeded, how will this make me feel?!.... will u ask ur self: y wasnt it me!!.. if u didnt, then it's liwajh Allahand always remember that every thing will go ack to Allaah, so there is no "me"...
- What pleases Allaah and the path to Allaah.
u need to know that what pleases Allah most is what Allah made it fard, that's y it is Fard... and that there is a way to Allaah, a path, and that path is clear in the hadeeth:
"إن الله تعالى قال : من عادى لي وليا فقد آذنته بالحرب ، و ما تقرب إلي عبدي بشيء أحب إلي مما افترضته عليه ، و ما زال عبدي يتقرب إلي بالنوافل حتى أحبه ، فإذا أحببته كنت سمعه الذي يسمع به ، و بصره الذي يبصر به ، و يده التي يبطش بها ، و رجله التي يمشي بها ، و إن سألني لأعطينه ، و لئن استعاذني لأعيذنه ، و ما ترددت عن شيء أنا فاعله ترددي عن قبض نفس المؤمن ، يكره الموت و أنا أكره مساءته "
and Always remember that u need tawba for all the sins u did in ur life, and the fact that time passed doesnt mean that te sin was forgiven
Finally, seek "Al i7saan", always ask ur self: "anhy el a7san? " b4 doing anything,
Also, for ur sake, take time for just Allaah and u... and Love him, sub7anahu wata3alaa
// many thanks to Brother Ahmad, Ghada El Bedeawi and her family, and the Green Muslims :)