assalamu 3alikom...
b4 Ramadan ends, and b4 i finish my 5atma- which was one of my best 5atmas ever, Al7amdulillah- i thought that i really have to pray (ad3y), and ad3y a lot, and i thought of a very nice thing al7amdulillah :)
i thought that i'll pray for every one i know after my 5atma, and i wanted to be saying their own do3a2 - actually when sm1 says pray for me, i dont know wat shall i pray with at all-..... so i started a tiny campaign, gathering every one's do3a2 in a paper just to have them in hand after my 5atma and go on ed3eying :)... ya3ny saying do3aa2 :D
i collected ad3aya from my friends, colleagues, T.A.s, even Dr.s, my family and others... telling every one to write down whatever he/she wishes ( as do3a2 el Muslim le2a5eeh el Muslim mostagab).
the Do3a2 list reached 13 pages long !!.... i was soooo touched when reading them All. There were some ad3ya that made me smile, others that made me cry, others that made me reconsider, and many like that....
i saw the ppl i know from other aspects that i wasnt seeing them from... i also felt that this Do3a2 list made me somewhat closer to Allah.... it was an indescribable feeling that i had when saying All these ad3aya.. i felt really gr8.
i even decided to keep this Do3aa2 list and say it once in a while, and pray for those ppl :)
words are really not enough, i kind of speechless, i only want to say two things:
1) الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا و ما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله
2) guys, this is a start, why not every one of u seek those who he/she knows -even only cares for- and write down their prayers and just pray for them once in a while.... bgd it feels fantastic (Y).
Rabbena yataqabbal menna wa menkom.
P.S: i Do in deed thank Allah for this Ramadan, i really felt the difference... Allahumma taqabbalhu menna w balle3'na Ramadan el qadem :)... Allahumma ij3alna mn el mottaqeen
Ameen ya Nehnih rabena yatakabel mena game3an Ramadan isA.
ReplyDeletebgd bgd I really want to thank u for this idea.It is really great.
w yarab takabal kol al da3awy de lena w leky isA.