what is it!!, it's death...death is That close, yet we dont think of it.
we may die any second, by any how, while doing anything...yet we dont think of it.
we ignore so many things, make things pass as if nthn had happened, assume things are that simple and they are not, وتحسبونه هينا وهو عند الله عظيم
we dont remember the day of judgment, we just hit our light houses and never want to change our directions, we act as if we are the ones who have the lead of our lives, But Guess What...WE DONT HAVE ANY THING!, we Will die any second.....death is that close.
then wat!!!!!! when we die we will regret every second , and every moment in our lives...ppl then wish if they didnt just do popular things that are not right, and left right things that were not popular.
guys , death is that close!....are we ready for it!!.....talking about my self, i'm sorry to say that i'm not....
ana mesh 3arfaaa, harooo7 mn rabbena feeen!!, haroo7 mn rabbena feeen , w harodd 2a2ollo aaaa.... وَوَقَعَ الْقَوْلُ عَلَيْهِم بِمَا ظَلَمُوا فَهُمْ لا يَنطِقُونَ ... oh Allah, dont let us be of them.
ربنا ظلمنا انفسنا وان لم تغفر لنا وترحمنا لنكونن من الخاسرين
we have to reconsider, our lives, our feelings, our priorities, those whom we love, things that we do, words that we say, every thing, every thing.... are we gonna be glad when thay stand between us and our lord...or we will regret.....just regret, when there is no time for regression.
thinking of Allah, and all the mercy that he has, Allah forgives us, i'm sure about that, Allah loves us...
Allahuma ij3alna memman ystame3oona alqawla fayattabe3oona a7sanah.
meet u in ur do3aa2, enny o7ebbokom fellah
so true noha
ReplyDeleteespecially these days i am seein it a lot
u know how we always say
ALLAHOM bale3'na Ramadan
its because in these days, Sha3ban, so many lives are taken.
and the cycle continues on through Ramdan as well
NOw is the Time to make major changes in our lives , Rethink it all!!!
cuz if death was close
then its a whole lot closer now.
ALLAHOM bale3'na Ramadan