assalamu 3alikom,
some times i contemplate my self, my personality & how it changed through years i've lived... i found out that ppl around me had the greatest affect in my personality, i can say that All the turning points in my personality where due to sm1.
it were things that they said or did that made me reconsider my life, or change my attitude towards my self & to actually get to know ME!!!
To All of those ppl i say thank u for that role that u played in my life, u tought me, made me change (even if slightly) to the better without u even notice.
i donno if listing those ppl would be a good idea, but i'm listing them anyway! ( past to recent)
1) Mrs. Safaa, arabic teacher-my primary school ...made me feel that i'm really smthin!
2) Mrs.Ra3'da, math teacher -primary school, made me realize that ... i'll keep this for my self.
3)Mrs. Refqa, religion teacher-primary school, made me realize that i'm different & gave me trust
4)Sh. ahmad al kobaisy...he is one of the most ppl i love on this planet, al7amdulillah, he is the one who tought me what does it mean to "Read" Quran, understand it, think of it, & Love Allah.what it means to be a muslim, i owe this man soo much, i do Love him.
5)My cousin Soha, she just said "Noha, i envy u , ppl Love u!!"... for me, that was a SHOCK!!!, Look who is talking!! , this was the first real turning point in my life.
6)Mr. Khalid el 3awwam, ooooh, wat can i say, this man used to make me feel like an angle, he treated me asif i'm the best one in the whole universe!, i can never forget his face when praying for me. He also tought me sooo much things concerning my religion, i owe him much
7)Sh. Mabrouk 3ateyya, he made me see things in a different way, apply Islam in my life by Feeling it & Living it, & that we have hearts that should be tender & soft All the way, we have manners that should stay the best All they way, i do Love him... i miss him too
8)Mrs. zainab, tought me to wait to see the wisdom beyond things that happen, Always seek Allah's satisfaction, & when i run to sm1 for a problem, just search for those who will remind me of Allah...she changed my view 2wards "el rizq", made me understand that things r not as we see, they r much more complicated that we'll never understand
9)Dina, my dear friend, i knew what does it mean to have someone that makes u feel relaxed no matter how annoyed u r, made me realize that friendship doesnt mean to "stick" to ur friends & call them daily... tought me to be -somewhat- realistic ( but i'm not yet, i think this will take time)....& so many many things that i really cant count, i just wish we stay 2gether 4ever.
10)Dr. Ihab, i feel soo much grateful for that person, although he wont even notice that he really affected me, this man -implicitly- gave me hope, tought me to love wat i study, made me have a reason in our "FCIS", i loved the college because of that person.
11)Heba 3saam, wat can i say!!!, i knew that life is not that silly as it seems to be, i knew wat it means to be deeply hurt & suffering yet smiling to make ppl happy, i realized that i'm not the strange one with the values i have, i understood what it means to feel for ppl, do what u believe is right regardless anything Always look at the blessing & not to be down into myself....i think i should stop, cz this wont end if i kept on!!
12) Waleed Galaaal, this was the second Biggest turning point in my life, he made me discover my self, belive in me, look deep down to know, & tought me that every thing in Islam makes the person Really a better person, from All aspects ....& most of All, never give up to change a bad situation. this resulted: TU, TMD, TU2, Cross Roads, and many other events that i did (will do) in clg.
13) Nosayba, i can never ever discribe how great this person is, she always gives me the power to keep on, tells me things that no one would ever say, makes me see things that i would never see, makes me feel better & better when i talk to her, reminds me of Allah & of muslim's manners,... i just cant talk about her like this, cz she has a continouse effect on me that i never want to let go.
14)Roaa, mmmmm, Roaa tought me how to Really Believe in what i belive in...that thoughts dont just cross our minds and pass, we shloud stick to them & turn them into deeds & objectives....she tought me what it means to dedicate myself to others, & never think of any thing in return. Roaa is in deed one of the ppl who made me change my attitude in life.
15)Reda Maged, i Almost Never spoke to him, i dont know him aslan! but i learnt from him so much, i really did, somehow i developed my self, discovered some areas in me that i never tried to discover, mostly related to our study, i also found some interests that i wouldnt even notice that i'm interseted in.
16)Dr. Omar Karam, the Third turning point...he just said, replying on me when i asked him for an advice:"wat do u want me to tell u!!,honestly wat do u want me to tell u...hey, u r in the middle of the way...u went out the box, u saw things out of the box , u can think out of the box, leave advices for those who r still in the Box!".
17) Dr.Ahmad Safwat, putting aside every thing, now i have a new vision, i love wat i do, i realised things differently, i understood that i should have decisions loooong time ago, i knew that things r just simple but i had to try..... i have hope, i'm thinking positively, i have a goal!!!
18)Alaa Shaker, i saw what it means to be good & KNOW that u r ur self & ur abilities, think widely & know wat u can do & wat u cant do!
19)Abdelra7man 3esam, i learnt from him how to be missy in an organised way, to learn from ppl who are arround u & never think that i'm late.... to belive that i can love wat i do....i also found out that i'm interseted in the Body Language thing!
20) Dr. Mahmoud Hosam, he Reminded me to love my pen & paper, to love my book, have with them this relationship of belonging & friendship, also to be effictive, study hard, & to be a good model & to Always remember that "actions speek louder than words".
Top of that list comes My father, he cant be just added to the list, i think he needs a post only for him.
those were the ppl who made me reconsider, i listed them in an ascending order of their apperence in my life.
Most of them Dont even realize wat they did, as i mentioned b4...well, i like that! i dont want them to know anyway, but i just want to say that i really appreciate All of them & wish that ALLAH Bless them & make them lead a happy life & make their wish come true..
Tu All of u ...Jazakom Allahu 3anny 5ayral jazaa2.
إن القيمة الحقيقة للحياة تكمن في دورنا فيها وهذا الدور يستحق العناء لأننا صُنّاعه.... اللهم اجعل أعمالنا كلها صالحة، واجعلها لوجهك خالصة، ولا تجعل لأحد فيها شيئاً
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thankful I Am
assalamu 3alikom,
I'm really thankful, to the one i love the best , to Allah.
yaaaaaaaaaah, how wonderful to feel that ALLAH listens to ur prayers & makes them come true, not exactly by the way u asked, but by the best way that can ever happen to u.
I'm grateful to Allah cz he made me feel relieved, he "shara7 sadry" as we say in arabic, i could never imagine that things will turn that good & that fast too.
i just understood that Allah waits till u run to him, asking him & ONLY him, to help u & tell him exactly how u feel & wat u want, then Allah with his unmeasurable mercy will put every thing in it's right place, of course MUCH better than u asked & with ALL satisfaction that u may ever feel.
Allah, i DO LOVE U, thank u Allah for being my GOD, & being my ONLY god..The One & Only.
& thank u for not letting me just follow myself, thank u for not letting me think of any1 but u, thank u for getting me back to u whenever i start walking away, thank u for letting me feel that it is All bcz of u, & thank u for teaching me to thank u & thank u for letting me realize this blessing.
Al7amdulillahi rabbel 3alameeen, 7amdan b-yaqeeen
I'm really thankful, to the one i love the best , to Allah.
yaaaaaaaaaah, how wonderful to feel that ALLAH listens to ur prayers & makes them come true, not exactly by the way u asked, but by the best way that can ever happen to u.
I'm grateful to Allah cz he made me feel relieved, he "shara7 sadry" as we say in arabic, i could never imagine that things will turn that good & that fast too.
i just understood that Allah waits till u run to him, asking him & ONLY him, to help u & tell him exactly how u feel & wat u want, then Allah with his unmeasurable mercy will put every thing in it's right place, of course MUCH better than u asked & with ALL satisfaction that u may ever feel.
Allah, i DO LOVE U, thank u Allah for being my GOD, & being my ONLY god..The One & Only.
& thank u for not letting me just follow myself, thank u for not letting me think of any1 but u, thank u for getting me back to u whenever i start walking away, thank u for letting me feel that it is All bcz of u, & thank u for teaching me to thank u & thank u for letting me realize this blessing.
Al7amdulillahi rabbel 3alameeen, 7amdan b-yaqeeen
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Our Prophet (pbuh)
assalamu 3alikom,
well, i donno where to start from, i just want to talk about our prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
al7amdulillah i noticed that we have that inner belief of Allah sob7anahu wata3alaa, satisfaction with all that Allah choose for us, we Love Allah & fear him.
But i rarely hear ppl talking about Muhammad (pbuh), except when saying that he (pbuh) said this hadeeth or that....but , do we REALLY kno him, do we REALLY love him , him as OUR prophet, our role model, the best man ever on this earth, the one that taught us every single detail in life, the one who had suffered so much to show us the way, the one who used to cry deeply out of worrying about us, the one who cares so much that we enter the paradise, the one who had the Biggest heart ever, the kindest soul ever...the one who wants us to be the best and the one who loves us without even knowing us...
ya rasoola Allah...
we are guilty, bgd, we just dont appreciate, our hearts are not as tender as he (pbuh) wanted them to be, we are not as grateful as we should, we dont even learn from him they way we should.
I deeply pray that i get to kno prophet Muhammad more and more, learn more and more, follow his steps, and to love him the Best.........Love him the Best!!! --salla allahu 3alihi wasallam--
welling not to let him down in the judgment day,
Allahumma istajeb.
u too pray for me to join him in Paradise. me , u and all the Muslims isAllah...
Love u Allah, Love u ya rasoola Allah (PBUY).
meet u in ur do3aa2,
well, i donno where to start from, i just want to talk about our prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
al7amdulillah i noticed that we have that inner belief of Allah sob7anahu wata3alaa, satisfaction with all that Allah choose for us, we Love Allah & fear him.
But i rarely hear ppl talking about Muhammad (pbuh), except when saying that he (pbuh) said this hadeeth or that....but , do we REALLY kno him, do we REALLY love him , him as OUR prophet, our role model, the best man ever on this earth, the one that taught us every single detail in life, the one who had suffered so much to show us the way, the one who used to cry deeply out of worrying about us, the one who cares so much that we enter the paradise, the one who had the Biggest heart ever, the kindest soul ever...the one who wants us to be the best and the one who loves us without even knowing us...
ya rasoola Allah...
we are guilty, bgd, we just dont appreciate, our hearts are not as tender as he (pbuh) wanted them to be, we are not as grateful as we should, we dont even learn from him they way we should.
I deeply pray that i get to kno prophet Muhammad more and more, learn more and more, follow his steps, and to love him the Best.........Love him the Best!!! --salla allahu 3alihi wasallam--
welling not to let him down in the judgment day,
Allahumma istajeb.
u too pray for me to join him in Paradise. me , u and all the Muslims isAllah...
Love u Allah, Love u ya rasoola Allah (PBUY).
meet u in ur do3aa2,
Monday, June 11, 2007
My Story with Allah
assalamu 3alikom,
My story with Allah, this is smth bgd...
i do LOVE allah, i always think that i really want to satisfy him in every action i do. smtimes i do things that i REALLY dont want to do only cz i know that Allah will be pleased or bcz Allah commanded us to do it.
sometimes i DONT do things that i REALLY want to do, cz i know that Allah wont be satisfied.
i sometimes imagine my self standing in front of Allah, in the day of judgment, and he asks me why did i do smthing masalan, oh my GOD!!! wat am i supposed to say now! , i should have a reason, or i shouldnt do it aslaan...that's y i care to do wat makes Allah pleased...i really want to stand proudly in front of him
& because i Love him, i want him to Love me too, i cant imagine my self yoom 2l eayama "the day of judgment" and Allah is angry at me or not satisfied, or that the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) feeling ashamed that i belong to his omma, or even called "muslim"...i really want my judgment to be the happiest thing that ever happened to me.
Now my problem is, that in some situations i really dont know wat will satisfies Allah, ya rabby a elly yerdeek wana a3melo, i really dont these situations i start feeling sad, cz my biggest wish that i know that it wont happen in this life becomes urgent, i feel that i just want it to come true ASAP, my wish is that i talk to Allah & he answers mee baaaaaaaack!!!!
i kno that this wont happen fel donia, only fel ganna, that's is one of the reasons y i really want to be fel ganna...i also wish sooooo much to stay with prophet Muhammad (PBUH) an talk to him & tell him soo much things & learn from him & listen to him salla Allahu 3alihi wasallaaam.
ya rabb erda 3anny w da55alny el ganna, this is my goal.
P.S.: when i wrote the title "my story with Allah", i had a very different content in mind, but i donno y i went to another point & couldnt stop my self of, isAllah i'll post "My story with Allah" soon.
thnx for ur time!
My story with Allah, this is smth bgd...
i do LOVE allah, i always think that i really want to satisfy him in every action i do. smtimes i do things that i REALLY dont want to do only cz i know that Allah will be pleased or bcz Allah commanded us to do it.
sometimes i DONT do things that i REALLY want to do, cz i know that Allah wont be satisfied.
i sometimes imagine my self standing in front of Allah, in the day of judgment, and he asks me why did i do smthing masalan, oh my GOD!!! wat am i supposed to say now! , i should have a reason, or i shouldnt do it aslaan...that's y i care to do wat makes Allah pleased...i really want to stand proudly in front of him
& because i Love him, i want him to Love me too, i cant imagine my self yoom 2l eayama "the day of judgment" and Allah is angry at me or not satisfied, or that the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) feeling ashamed that i belong to his omma, or even called "muslim"...i really want my judgment to be the happiest thing that ever happened to me.
Now my problem is, that in some situations i really dont know wat will satisfies Allah, ya rabby a elly yerdeek wana a3melo, i really dont these situations i start feeling sad, cz my biggest wish that i know that it wont happen in this life becomes urgent, i feel that i just want it to come true ASAP, my wish is that i talk to Allah & he answers mee baaaaaaaack!!!!
i kno that this wont happen fel donia, only fel ganna, that's is one of the reasons y i really want to be fel ganna...i also wish sooooo much to stay with prophet Muhammad (PBUH) an talk to him & tell him soo much things & learn from him & listen to him salla Allahu 3alihi wasallaaam.
ya rabb erda 3anny w da55alny el ganna, this is my goal.
P.S.: when i wrote the title "my story with Allah", i had a very different content in mind, but i donno y i went to another point & couldnt stop my self of, isAllah i'll post "My story with Allah" soon.
thnx for ur time!
First Post
assalamu 3aikom,
how r u guys, hope things r going just fine!
this is not actually my first post, i actually had a previous blog but i wasnt that satisfied.
Here, in this blog, i would like to share my thoughts, my feelings, my ups & downs, my experience in life, my attitude & my beliefes.
i hope u enjoy my blog, as i really wish it to be useful.
enjoy ur time,
how r u guys, hope things r going just fine!
this is not actually my first post, i actually had a previous blog but i wasnt that satisfied.
Here, in this blog, i would like to share my thoughts, my feelings, my ups & downs, my experience in life, my attitude & my beliefes.
i hope u enjoy my blog, as i really wish it to be useful.
enjoy ur time,
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