The Dr: "I'm sorry to tell you that you have a serious disease, your body will not be able to resist it any more!"
The patient: "OMG! :| :|, am i going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Dr: "We will do all what in our hands to make you live the rest of your life without pain"
The patient: "How long will I live :|!!"
Dr: "We can not say such thing for sure, but from the reports i have in hand, your body can not resist more than 6 months!"
~End of story :D
Here comes a new one..
The patient thought about his life, it is going to end soon, he has nothing to do about it.. he was so sad and depressed, he hated the idea that he was dying, very sad.. the days were passing like hell.. hearing such news was the worst thing that ever happened to him, nothing can be any worse!
Another patient comes with the same story, but there is a slight difference:
Last days of mine! i need to enjoy my life!, every body has to remember my smile, the change i made in their lives, the laughters we shared, the good time and the joy we had.. I want to be remembered, i need ppl to pray for me when they remember me.. and I want to die happyyyyyyy!
This man started making his wish come true at once, he always called to check on his friends, he was there for them, went on outings and had lots of fun. did things for the first time with his beloved ones.. He enjoyed the fact that he is leaving a good memory, he enjoyed the fact that his friends will remember him with the smile he shared, he sang loudly despite his awful voice to make them laugh. he loved them, he showed that love, and was so happy to be pleased with such wonderful friends.
This feeling made him enjoy the fact that he is dying, he thought: "I never died before, why do i assume that death is a bad experience! It is my call to make it a nice one! :)"
I am currently having this attitude, as I'm leaving my company... every one is sad that I'm leaving, and this made me want to leave a good memory.. When i thought more about "Leaving" I thought about "what about death"!
My thoughts led me to thank Allaah for his bless, which is the fact that we all will die, no exceptions!.. knowing such a fact will make you, if you are wise enough, enjoy you life. You will be keen to make it a life to be remembered by others, do only what makes you pleased seeking the satisfaction of Allaaah. Every body will love you, because you are doing your best to show that love because you don't have enough time, you don't know for sure when you are dying.
Not knowing when you life ends, or when you will be leaving makes you more eager to get the max of every thing of your life in all its sides (religious, knowledge, love, family, friendship,..) all what you need to know that it will be soon, that's it.. and that's all what Allaah sub7anahu wata3ala told us about death.. Sub7ana Allaaah :)
Dying is a big motive of living well, loving others, play bowling and sing out loud to your friends :D
Al7amdulillaah for all the blesses that we could never realize without his guidance..Al7amdulillaah that we will die one day and al7amdulillaaah that we want to have the best in the hereafter :)