Tuesday, April 21, 2009

احرص على ما ينفعك

"المؤمن القوي خير وأحب إلي الله من المؤمن الضعيف، وفي كل خير، احرص على ما ينفعك، واستعن بالله ولا تعجِز، ولا تقل لو أني فعلت كذا لكان كذا، ولكن قل: قدر الله وما شاء فعل. فإن (لو) تفتح عمل الشيطان" .صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم

I knew this 7adeeth but fragmented, pieces in different occasions, but never before did i know that all these pieces are from one 7adeeth.
When you get the whole picture, u r speechless amazed of how gr8 it is, encouraging, motivating, positive and proactive. This is how we are supposed to be.

It holds all the meanings of vision, mission, attitude, planning, doing, and going on without regretting, the whole process of success and efficiency!..

Muslims never look back, we always look forward :)

Allahumma salli 3ala Mihammed wa3a Alihi wasa7bhi wasallem tasleeman katheeeeeeeeeeeraa :) <3

Thank you Dina El Etriby :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

ألم نشرح لك صدرك

assalamu 3alikom,

Today, in the taxi, the radio was on, Al Qur2aan channel, it was soorat Al Shar7..

When the Shay5 said: "ألم نشرح لك صدرك" the taxi driver said: "3alihi assalatu wassalaaam" :)

I was like WOW!!, bgd for my first time i notice this, sayyedna Muhammad was mentioned and we are supposed to say "Salla Allahu 3alihi wassalaam"..

I liked it, and i felt tat i had a great lesson :) :).. isAllaah i will always say salla Allahu 3alihi wassalam when he is mentioned in the Qur2an, not only in our ordinary talk..

Jazaka Allahu 5ayraan yastaaa :D

Thursday, April 2, 2009

الأجر و الفضل

assalamu 3alikom,

I don't know if any of you have heard about Shay5 Ahmad Al Kubaisy, He is from Iraq, and living in Dubai. He is one of my favourite shoyoo5 masha2Allaah 3aleeh fe3laan, rabbena yzeedo 3elm w yg3alo mn el sali7eeen :)

He has a lot of programs explaining the Qur2an words, and why did allaah sub7anahu wata3ala mention this word not that one, why is this word before another in a vrese, and vice versa in a nother.. masha2allaah 3aleeh bgd... and all what you feel while listening to him is Allaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah 2add a rabbena sub7anahu 3azeeem, w 2add a el qur2an baleee3', w 2add a every thing is VERY CLEAR in the Qur2an, but it's our problem that we dont understand Arabic lel asaf..

Sh Ahmed insists that in can NEVER happen that Allaah mentions 2 words in the Qur2an for the same meaning, each word has a stand alone meaning that can never be decsribed by another. and you find that clearly masha2Allaah when he explains the verses, and u just keep saying Sub7ana Allaaah :)

One of the greated lessons was when he spoke about the difference between: Al Ajr, Al fadl, Al Jazaa2, Al thawaab and Al ra7maa.. Fe3laan Aktaar mn ra2e3!!!

I Stronglyyy recommend u to watch the episode, it is raw3a bekoll el maqayees :http://www.elqubessi.mohdy.com/wmplayer.asp?p_path=http://www.islamyaat.com/media/elkalema/wma/e10_h.wma

And if you want to see all the episodes u can check the following link: http://www.elqubessi.mohdy.com/qubessi.aspx?p_name_english=s1 .. i recommend that you start with episode One, the select what ever you wish later..

I hope you enjoy, and i'm sure you will isAllaaah :) :)

Jazahu Allahu 5ayraan :)