Monday, May 11, 2009

Swine Flu

Assalamu 3alikom,

Tab3an el maktoob embayyan mn 3enwanoo (3ala ra2y el Lebnaneyyeen), but i don't want to talk about the issue from the aspects that every body does nowadays, i have another point that i want to share :)

I have a very strong feeling, intiuition, "yaqeen" fillaah shadeed, and a big "trust" in Allaah that the virus wont reach Egypt nor the Gulf area. I'm almost sure about it, and i "know" that isAllaah, we wont have it in Egypt isAllaah.

Usually, i don't have reasons for my intuitions, so I can't tell you why, but here is something i believe: if a "Muslim" dies because of the "Swine" flu, this will be a very "himulating" way to die (as a firend of mine said), ya3ny we don't eat them in order to obey Allah, will he make us catch their flu!!! I believe that Allaah is greater to let us die that why...
Anyway, what i'm saying has nothing to do with reality, we just may wake up next morning hearing that an Egyptian person cought swine flu, it may happen, but i just don't feel it :)
Anyway bardo :), i think we are taking our precautions, and most importantly praying to Allaah to protect us from the disease, and that is enough for now as i think :)

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