Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm Longing :)


I'm so happy to know that you are coming soon :), i was really waiting for the day you come and very glad that it is getting closer :)

I still remember the days when you were here, how great those days were, i was always wondering if they will come back, if I'll ever get the chance to meet with you again, if i will live till the next visit, I always keep praying to, I always as Allaah to bless me by you, because i really love it when you are around..
It was really hard for me when you left, the hardest part that I never know if i will meet you gain or not.. you are so dear that i want you always to be here, but Al7amdulillaah for every thing... I always hope you come back :)

Last time you were here was one of my best days, I remember the prayers I said, the diaries I wrote, the feelings I had.. I remember how strongly you touched my heart and how you -every time- change me deeply from the inside.

You always help me reconsider, you always remind me how great I can be, and how great I am, you always remind me of Allaah, of the love i have for him in my heart, I always learn a lot from you.. you are bless, indeed.

You always give me hope, you fill my heart with love, you change my perspective towards things.. You always make me closer to Allaah, you teach how to love Qur'an, read it and feel it. My days are always bright when you are here :)

I Love you, and i miss being my self when you are around.. everything becomes very different, really different :)

I know I always keep promising that when you come I'll do this and I'll do that, I'll stop this and stop that and try to be a good girl, yet every time I don’t fulfill my promises, and I feel bad about it.. I'm really sorry for that.. Hopefully this time I become the good girl i was always promising to be!

I love the things you bring for me.. Well, to be honest, I wait for them as much as i wait for you.. you always bring what I wish.. I find it easier to ask for things when you are here, because I’m sure that Allaah will give me, for your sake :)

Most of all, I love the 3 gifts you always bring every time you come: Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation from Hell.. I really pray i get them this time :)

Dear Ramadan, I wish i live till you come :) and I wish you find me as you deserve to find me :)
I'll be waiting..

Allahumma balle3'na Ramadaan

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