Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pray It Forward..

السلام عليكم

أولا كل عام و أنتم بخير, رمضان على الأبواب

أظن أغلبكم عارف فيلم  "Pay It Forward" .. بس أنا هتكلم عن "Pray it Forward" من نفس المنطلق و فكرة الفيلم بس بالدعاء, الفكرة اننا ندعي لبعض, و كل واحد يدعي لغيره و طبعا لنفسه :) .. 

  الفكرة أصلا كانت من سنين, كنت بابعت ايميل لكل اللي عندي (أيام ما كان الايميل هو الأساس) و أطلب منهم يبعتولي ال "Prayers Lists" بتاعتهم لأن دعاء المسلم لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجاب.. و الحمد لله كان بيوصللي عدد كبير و كان في ناس بتبعت Prayers List مطولة جدا, و ده كان شيء جميل فعلا..

الجميل في الأمر اني كنت بأتحرى مواعيد الاستجابة و أقول يا جماعة أنا هختم, يا جماعة أنا مسافرة , يا جماعة يوم عرفة , و هكذا, و اللي بيبعت بدعيله طبعا. أفتكرت ازاي كانت بتبقى أملة إن حد رايح عمرة و كلنا نهرع بطلب الدعاء منه/ها... و العجيب بقى ان ربنا و الحمد لله أكرمني بكذا عمرة و مع ذلك ما عملتش الموضوع ده ساعتها ولا مرة !!

المهم, رمضان على الأبواب, و إن شاء الله النية موجودة إني أعمل عمرة إن شاء الله و كان في العمر بقية, فبرجع أطلب منكم تبعتولي الأدعية بتاعتكو ..و فكرة "Pray it Forward" مش ليا أنا بس, اطلبو من الناس يدعلكو و اسألوهم تحبو تدعولهم بإيه بظهر الغيب, في ناس هتنح في الأول بس مايضرش, هتلاقو دعوات رائعة جاية في السكة :)

الموضوع ده له بالغ الأثر بجد,  بيفتح في القلب حاجات لما تشوف ازاي الناس بتدعي و بتطلب إيه, بيفتح عليك بأفكار تدعيها انت لنفسك و عمرها ما جت على بالك إلا لما قرأت أدعية الناس التانية.. الأهم فعلا فعلا بتلاقي فرق, مش هنسى رسالة من واحدة صاحبتي بتشكرني  و بتقوللي إن أغلب اللي كانت كاتباهولي اتحقق :).. الأعظم في الأمر كله, احساسك بقربك من ربنا و انت قاعد بتدعي للي بتحبه و للي مش فارق معاك أوي, لحظات صفاء نفس غير عادية, و بتحس فعلا بالصلة بالله, ناهيك عن كمية "و لك مثله" و كمية الحسنات اللي هتاخدها بإذن الله :)

إن شاء الله هبدأ بالايميلات القديمة اللي عندي حتى لو صحابها ما طلبوش :) , و هجعل جزء من الليل مخصص للدعاء فيها للغير, و لو ربنا كتبلي العمرة هطبع الورق و أخده معايا و أدعي منه إن شاء الله.

و هستنى دعواتكو على الفيسبوك أو الـ gmail .. و أنا شخصيا هبدأ أكتب الـ List  بتاعتي لو حد طلبها مني :)

أخلصوا لله, و أدعو لبعض, الدعاء عبادة :)
Pray it forward 
و كل عام و نحن إلى الله أقرب و على طاعته أدوم :)
رمضان كريم :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

... تبصي تلاقي ربنا يكرمك :)

بابايا دايما يقولي الجملة دي, دايما بتيجي بعد جملة كانت قبلها, زي مثلا:
- "اتعودي دايما انك تدي المحتاجين, حتى لو إنتي شايفة انك محتاجة اللي معاكي, تبصي تلاقي ربنا يكرمك"
- "الناس الكبار ربنا حطهم في حياتنا عشان ناخد حسنات, بريهم و ريحيهم, تبصي تلاقي ربنا يكرمك"
- "معلش, استحملي غلاسة اخوكي الصغير, وأجبري بخاطره, تبصي تلاقي ربنا يكرمك"
- "كلمة الحمد لله دي نعمة كبيرة اوي دايما احمدي ربنا, تبصي تلاقي ربنا يكرمك"
- "لما تجيلك فكرة, ابدأي على طول نفذيها ابدأي في السعي ومتفكريش كتير, تبصي تلاقي ربنا يكرمك"
- "يا بنتي توكلي على الله ومتشليش هم حاجة, تبصي تلاقي ربنا يكرمك"

بس خلاص...

أنا بس حبيت أقول إني بصيت ولقيت إن ربنا بيكرمني دايما الحمدلله, وكرمه معايا مالوش حدود, ومنعم عليا بحاجات كتير, حاجات عظيمة زي إني الحمدلله من المسلمين

الحمدلله على عائلتي واصحابي وشركتي وشغلي, والناس اللي بشتغل معاهم, والناس اللي عارفهم, وعلى الحال اللي أنا فيه :)

أنا برضه مبسوطة بكل الحاجات الصغيرة اللي عندي, بما فيهم سواق الباص بتاعنا المحترم, ولون الحيطة بتاعت الشركة اللي أنا فيها, ورنة موبايلي, وقلمي الأزرق, وحاجات تانية كتير

والحمدلله لما بستنى الاسانسير بييجي على طول, وغالبا بيبقى فاضي, ولما آجي اركب تاكسي مش بيتخانق معايا, و بعرف أعدي الشارع حتى لو العربيات ماشية بسرعة, ولما أحب أشتري لبان بلاقي النوع اللي بحبه, ولما احب أساعد الناس, الاقيهم هم بيتصلوا يطلبو المساعدة, وحاجات تانية كتيير.. كفاية إني الحمدلله لما باعوز حاجة, بعرف اطلبها من ربنا, بغض النظر بتحصل ولا لأ, بس الدعاء في حد ذاته نعمة :)

دي حتى نعمة كبيرة قوي إني لما حسيت إني في نعمة, فتحت النوتس وكتبت, وحضراتكم دلوقتي بتقروها..

بصوا, وهتلاقوا ربنا بيكرمكم :)

الحمدلله :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

The beauty of hard times...

Yesterdays I had a call from my dear friend Shorouk El Khateeb (tab3an I will not mention here how nice, pure, sweet, lovely, helpful, wonderful, caring, funny and amazing this girl is, and how much I really love her, because this is not what the post mainly about..) Oooops :D, I had mentioned already :D, sorry.. back to the main topic :D

I haven’t seen shawshawty for long, so as all the “long time no see” phone calls, each of us was telling the other her latest news.. hers was that she travels a lot now a days and she is not that much happy about it because this makes her life kind of unstable.. Mine was that al7amdulillaah everything is fine
Shawshawty said something that deeply touched me without noticing, she said:”wallahi ya Noha ana bad3y rabbena kteer awii w fe koll salaa enno……, w fe koll marra basafer ba2ool do3aa2 el safaar wana mota2akkeda enn rabbena….” (I won’t publish what her prayer was, but this is enough to clarify my point).

At that point, I had that strange feeling, I felt sorry for myself and told Shawshawty so. It has been a long time since I last had hard times in my life, since I had something that made me keep praying and praying for Allaah’s bless and mercy. It has been a long time since I last felt how Allaah is there for me, always there with me in my hard time and giving me hope, telling me “Noha, trust in me, things will be great one day, you know I wont let you down” . It has been a very long time since I had that lonely feeling knowing that no one will do me good except Allaah SWT, since I read Quran with heart full of hope and love and eyes full of tears….

Shawshawty said her words with deep belief that Allaah won’t let her down, she was so sincere in what she said, and that is exactly what I deeply truly miss in myself.

Now I think, good times are not that good after all, and there is beauty in our hard times that we should really seize the chance to get the best of it and enjoy it to the max.

Thanks shawshawty for the call, may Allaah bless you always, and never ever let you down.. "و ما كان الله ليضيع إيمانكم, إن الله بالناس لرؤوف رحيم" :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Guess what!!.. I'll die one day!

The Dr: "I'm sorry to tell you that you have a serious disease, your body will not be able to resist it any more!"
The patient: "OMG! :| :|, am i going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Dr: "We will do all what in our hands to make you live the rest of your life without pain"
The patient: "How long will I live :|!!"
Dr: "We can not say such thing for sure, but from the reports i have in hand, your body can not resist more than 6 months!"
~End of story :D

Here comes a new one..
The patient thought about his life, it is going to end soon, he has nothing to do about it.. he was so sad and depressed, he hated the idea that he was dying, very sad.. the days were passing like hell.. hearing such news was the worst thing that ever happened to him, nothing can be any worse!

Another patient comes with the same story, but there is a slight difference:
Last days of mine! i need to enjoy my life!, every body has to remember my smile, the change i made in their lives, the laughters we shared, the good time and the joy we had.. I want to be remembered, i need ppl to pray for me when they remember me.. and I want to die happyyyyyyy!

This man started making his wish come true at once, he always called to check on his friends, he was there for them, went on outings and had lots of fun. did things for the first time with his beloved ones.. He enjoyed the fact that he is leaving a good memory, he enjoyed the fact that his friends will remember him with the smile he shared, he sang loudly despite his awful voice to make them laugh. he loved them, he showed that love, and was so happy to be pleased with such wonderful friends.

This feeling made him enjoy the fact that he is dying, he thought: "I never died before, why do i assume that death is a bad experience! It is my call to make it a nice one! :)"

I am currently having this attitude, as I'm leaving my company... every one is sad that I'm leaving, and this made me want to leave a good memory.. When i thought more about "Leaving" I thought about "what about death"!
My thoughts led me to thank Allaah for his bless, which is the fact that we all will die, no exceptions!.. knowing such a fact will make you, if you are wise enough, enjoy you life. You will be keen to make it a life to be remembered by others, do only what makes you pleased seeking the satisfaction of Allaaah. Every body will love you, because you are doing your best to show that love because you don't have enough time, you don't know for sure when you are dying.

Not knowing when you life ends, or when you will be leaving makes you more eager to get the max of every thing of your life in all its sides (religious, knowledge, love, family, friendship,..) all what you need to know that it will be soon, that's it.. and that's all what Allaah sub7anahu wata3ala told us about death.. Sub7ana Allaaah :)

Dying is a big motive of living well, loving others, play bowling and sing out loud to your friends :D

Al7amdulillaah for all the blesses that we could never realize without his guidance..Al7amdulillaah that we will die one day and al7amdulillaaah that we want to have the best in the hereafter :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I hate you, but...

I always believed that no one is perfectly good or totally bad, there are scales that we (humans) vary in between, things happen and we change, we are sometimes good and sometimes not good enough. Even on a situation level we vary, things can be seen from different perspectives, each perspective yields to a different judgement. No judgement is correct, and none is wrong. Generally, a judgement is always correct when referred to the perspective from which a situation has been viewed. So what really matters is: how we see or interpret things.

This taught me also to always excuse people because I never know. I never know why they act in a particular way in a particular situation, I never know how they see things or how things impact them, I never know how it makes them feel, even if in situations that seem so clear and trivial and even if I believe that i do share with them their own perspective, I do not, for sure, understand things the way they do.

All what I mentioned above were things I used to believe in, there were some sort of a principle for me maybe. Unfortunately this was not how I reacted at some point in my life.

Sometimes, it happens that we start having totally negative emotions and thoughts towards someone. Of course this will not happen out of no where. But regardless what had happened to make us feel so, the question is no longer about how much do these people deserve the hatred or anger we have towards them for how bad they were to us, the question now is: "Does it worth to feel that way towards anybody in this whole universe?". The answer is definitely no.

There is peace in this life that we need to experience, gratitude and appreciation. Those meanings need pure hearts to contain them. And those meanings are -as i believe- kind of a short cut for us to reach Allaah's satisfaction which requires "قلب سليم"

There may occur a case where "إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم" is not fulfilled, when there is a negative thing that is emitted form the heart, this negative thing can be unclear for us to know what it is, but we just have wonders: Why to feel bad towards somebody, feel comfortable to forget them and hate remembering them, dislike hearing their name if mentioned by chance in front of us or hate just the idea that we may see them around somewhere?.

And the wonders go on: Weren't those people one day nice to us, taught us something, shared a smile, gave us a hand, made us a prayer, cheered us up, touched our life, treated us with respect, looked once at us high, gave us a gift or made a tiny good memory one day?

Don't these things need gratitude? If not, then at least, we don't deserve to feel bad towards them, it's our call to let go the memories we hate and keep the respect that those people deserve no matter how we feel about them. Because, the things we believe are bad things, were just a red line drawn to mark a stop sign and an end of a relation progress. But this does not imply that the red line was there to strike out the good image that we had before for those people and replace it with another bad ugly evil one!

Well, good people are good, this fact does not change, they do not convert. Respectful people are respectful, this fact does not change, they do not convert. Nice people are nice, this fact does not change, they do not convert. The only thing that happen is, that not all the good ones get along with the other good ones, but this does not make the other good ones bad, they were just not as good (not in the same way), maybe the difference was not understandable, yet the fact does not change.

We do not forget the bad things, yet we can let go because we also do not forget the good things, and we also can let go, leaving both sides of the equation equal and resulting a neutral charge (neither positive nor negative)

And because we know that Allaah is there, and there will come a day when we will stand in front of him to answer some questions, and because our answers are based on our perspective, and because we believe that there were other perspectives than ours that can be correct, and because we don't know which part of the story does Allaah see us, because the last thing that we will ever want is to find that we was the bad one, and because maybe we are guilty in their' part of the story, because all of that, we should not have any hatred towards anybody, ask Allaah for forgiveness, hope that they do not hate us, and simply "Let Go"!

Monday, August 31, 2009

تعالا خد كشكولك...

الوقت... تقريبا كده كان شهر اربعة, لما السنة قربت تخلص ( السنة الدراسية طبعا), المكان.. كان في مدرسة إعدادي, وتحديدا كان في فصل من الفصول
العيال قاعدين زي كل يوم , بيرغوا ويلعبوا ولا هاممهم, أصل المدرسة عندهم مبقيتش مذاكرة وجد واجتهاد.. لااااء, دي بقت لعب ودلع وحاجات تانية

كانت حصة العربي, وكانت المس( المدرسة يعني) مديالهم واجب يعملوه وكانت قاعدة بتصحح الكشاكيل

طبعا أنتم فاهمين الطلاب اليومين دول, نصهم مبيعملش الواجب, والنص التاني بيعمله أي كلام, مش بيهمه قوي إنه يعمله كويس, مبتفرقش معاهم الدرجات والتميز والتفوق والكلام اللي مايأكلش عيش ده, هم يعني يوم مايعملوا الواجب, بيعملوه عشان الأبلة ماتزعقش, عشان مايتسئلوش عنه.. تكبير دماغ يعني مش أكتر

أخينا كان قاعد (زي ماحكينا في بداية الحكاية) وفجأة, المس ندهت اسمه... بس هو استغرب ( أصلها في العادي بتسيب العيال يرغوا في الفصل براحتهم , مش بتخنق على حد)... قامت بصيتله وقالت: "تعالا خد كشكولك"

الغريبة إن ملامح وشها كانت جد جدا, شكلها كده متضايق, والولد حس بمشكلة

من سكات قالها حاضر, بس هو كان جواه خايف.. وهو رايح لها قعد يفكر بينه وبين نفسه: يا ترى هي عايزاني ليه!!, مالها!!.... يانهاري!!.. أكيد هتخانقني على الهامش اللي دايما تقوللي أعمله على يمين الصفحة وانا بطنش عشان بزهق من التسطير.... ياخبر لو هتخانقني إني كتبت بالأحمر في الكشكول مع إنها دايما تقوللنا اكتبوا بالأزرق بس!! يا خراشي لو خدت بالها من بقعة الصلصة اللي وقعت على الكشكول وانا باكل مكرونة عليه امبارح!!!.. ربنا يستر....لأ ده ان شاء الله خير, أكيد هتمدح فيا عشان أنا عملت الواجب كويس ( أو بمعنى أصح, اخويا الكبير عملهولي كويس) خير ان شاء الله خير, أنا مطمن ومش هشيل هم, هي أصلا بتحبني يعني, بس ربنا يستر على التكشيرة اللي في وشها دي!!

اخينا وصل لحد عندها عشان ياخد الكشكول... يا ترى, تفتكروا قالتله إيه؟؟؟

قصتي خلاص خلصت

القصة إننا قاعدين في الدنيا اللي هي أساسا مرحلة "إعدادي" للمكان اللي هنكون فيه في الاخرة.. وناس كتير قاعدين ساهيين ولا على بالهم

القصة إننا بنعمل الفروض اللي ربنا فرضها علينا ( لو عملناها) تأدية واجب, عشان ربنا مايحاسبناش عليها يوم القيامة وخلاص, وقليل اللي بيهتم مش بس إنه يدخل الجنة, لأ كمان يعلى فيها درجات ودرجات ويبقى في فصل المتفوقين

القصة إن كل واحد فينا عارف كويس ذنوبه,عارف الصح من الغلط, عارف هو مقصر في إيه, وإيه الفرض اللي كان بيعمله وسابه أو بطل يعمله, وإيه الحق اللي عليه ومش بيأديه.. عارف كويس قوي إيه الحاجة اللي خايف إن ربنا يسأله عنها يوم القيامة قدام البشر كلهم ومايكونش مجهزلها إجابة

القصة, إن ناس كتير مابتحطش ال"هامش" اللي ربنا قال عليه, وكشاكلهم فيها "خطوط حمراء" كتير, ومليانة "بقع" في كل حتة

القصة إن ناس كتير, رغم إنها عارفة كويس قوي ذنوبها, إلا إنها معتمدة زيادة حبتين على كرم ربنا ورحمته, مش مستوعبين إن ربنا الرحيم هو نفسه ربنا اللي امرنا إننا نعمل ده ونبعد عن ده وقالنا إننا هتحاسب على كل حاجة

القصة, إن طول ما الناس شايفة إنها مش بتتسئل, والنعم حواليها من كل حتة, نسيوا تماما إن هييجي يوم تتسئل عن كشاكلها (أو اجنداتها لو فاكرين حكاية اجندة كل سنة)

القصة, إن ناس كتير قوي فرحانة بحياتها, وفاكرة إن اللي عملته كفاية قوي, مع إنه ممكن يكون مش كفاية, وممكن قوي يكون من غير نية لوجه الله

القصة, إن الناس دي, مش بتهتم بدرجاتها, مش بتهتم بالتقديرات, مع إن في حقيقة غايبة عنهم.. إن الدرجات دي لو ماكفتش,
محدش هيعيد السنة

رمضان فرصة عظيمة نستغلها, نعمل الواجب, ونزود حبة, ونجيب تقدير.. ولما اسمنا يتنده قدام بقيت الفصل, ويتقاللنا "تعالا خد كشكولك"... ناخد كشكولنا واحنا مطمنين, عاملين الواجب وزيادة, ومش مكسوفين إن نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم هيشوفه كمان وهنتسئل قدامه

"حاسبوا أنفسكم قبل أن تحاسبوا"

كل سنة وأنتم طيبين :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grey's Anatomy..

Ok, i think the title is clear enough, i'm talking about "Grey' Anatomy" series.

Of course I wont tell you the story, most of you -if not all- have been watching it. But i'll be telling you the story of
me with Grey's Anatomy.

The first episodes i started watching - I dont remember which season, most probably 3- were when George O’Malley proposed to Callie, and Burke proposed to Cristina, and that was the start.

What i liked about Grey's Anatomy was how these Drs work hard for the patients, and the different stories that i really used to sympathize with, the complicated combination of emotions that the heroes had, and the nice quotes and lessons learnt that Meredith used to end each episode with.

When the next season started, with that horrible Dr that Callie became friends with, and the stupid strange "interests" they started to have together in addition to her adventures with Sloan.
I started to feel that this is not really good, why am i watching it!!, I'm not learning from the moral situations anymore, i'm not enjoying it. Not only Callie’s stupid part made me hate it, but the rest of the characters' stories were getting boring and i felt that they all had physiological problems that they were not be having if they Only were Muslims!

Before this bad feeling towards "Grey's Anatomy" reached the peek, i was in a lovely gathering with a beautiful group of girls who named them selves "The Green Muslims" and regularly had religious spiritual meetings that i really adore.

This particular gathering was to meet with a convert, "Raya" who was telling us her story with Islam and how great this religion is.
One of the phrases that she said that deeply touched my heart was: "You have to know, that if you want to get close to Allaah,
Allah will test you, and he'll test you hard!".. being close to Allaah is not only a wish...

She also said: "your day is already divided between eating, sleeping, working, praying, watching TV, chatting online, etc.... and you want to add to the day a program to get closer to Allah by reading Quraan, praying more or doing more good deeds, but you do not think of quitting any of the activities in the life style that you are accustomed to. Simply, your day wont be enough, your 24 hours are already consumed by the things you already do.. if you want to add some thing to be closer to Allaah, you have to free some space in your day for that. And freeing space means quitting one or more of the things you are doing.. each of you can have a look right now on how your day is spent, and see and decide which part you will leave or free for Allaah"

Ok, now what!!, is this why whenever i want to be better i always screw up?, because "implicitly" i'm telling Allaah "I have no time for you" -asta3'firu Allaah-.. i decided instantly to quit something i do in my day, to free a space and most importantly to purify my heart...

I thought about my day while she was talking and said to my self: "I'll quit watching Grey's Anatomy".. then i raised my hand, and said it loudly in front of every body, i raised my hand and said: "I'll quit watching Grey's Anatomy".

All this story was to tell you that Al7amdulillaaaah, since i stopped watching it, i had a great and awesome chance to join a Quran class that i didnt plan to, I'm learning Tajweed nowadays.. i can not describe how great this Quraan is, how relieved i feel now.. I love it.

I learnt something from this experience, that you can picture your self as a ring carried on a robe, one end is the Qur2aan and the other is songs and what we call "fann".. the closer you are to Quraan makes you definitely -without any effort- away from songs and other meaningless stuff and vise versa... You feel higher than what all other people are busy with, you think like "how silly" these songs or TV shows are, regardless seeing them Halal or Haram, you just see them useless.

This is something that I've experienced my self and learnt, and i really wish you all to feel how sweet the Quraan is, and how lovely it feels reading it, and how great you are when you are closer, closer and closer.

Free a space (Ramadan is a chance, take it, and stick to it even after Ramadan)

Koll sana wento tayyebeen :) :)